1. The World Needs Men
Franklin Swann: Right now, the world
needs great men who will stand up and
lead with honor, serve with purpose,
and courageously fulfill their
God-Given roles and responsibilities
as husbands, fathers, leaders, and
men, it's time we see more men thrive.
Marriages filled with passion
and families that flourish.
So whether you're a man struggling
to figure it all out, or an awesome
husband and dad looking for the next
level, you've come to the right place.
We are your hosts, Franklin Swann and
Tanner Hayes, bringing you practical,
applicable tools and strategies you
can use every day to build yourself
into the man God is calling you to be.
This is the world needs men.
Let's go.
Tanner Hays: Welcome to the
World Needs Men Podcast.
I'm Tanner Hayes.
Franklin Swann: And I'm Franklin Swan.
Tanner Hays: And this
is episode one, intro.
Tanner, why are we here?
Franklin Swann: We are here because the
world needs men we believe that so deeply.
It's been a conviction, I think,
for both of us, for quite some time
and it is finally coming to fruition
what we feel called to do about it.
Tanner Hays: Yeah.
And how we should share it as well.
Franklin Swann: We've got a
great, uh, quote that I love.
Boys are born, men are built, and
the challenge that we see is that
there are a lot of men today struggling.
There are a lot of men today confused.
There's so much confusion around what
it even means to be a man, what the
role is, what his value is, right?
And we have both been in a place
where we've struggled, where we've
been confused, where we've had
to, to figure it out the hard way.
In terms of how do we even show up for
our families on a day-to-day basis.
Tanner Hays: And how, how
do we lead, but lead well.
That's the key there.
I think many men just like us have
, found theirselves, sort, thrust into
positions of leadership, whether it
be their family or in the workplace
or in their business, and they didn't
really know how to go about doing that,
Franklin Swann: right?
You, uh, you listen to a lot of
podcasts and there's a lot of books.
Um, but there's not a whole
lot of how-tos, right?
Lots, lot, lots of good
ideas, lots of principles.
But you know, one of the things
in my heart is, okay, so what do
I actually do like day one, step
one, I want to be a better father.
I wanna be a better husband.
I wanna produce better in my career,
in my job, or in my business.
Um, I just wanna feel better
right about who I am Exactly.
And how do I go about that?
When I wake up in the morning
and it's Bills, it's kids, it's.
The demands of life in your drowning.
Tanner Hays: Right.
Something I think about is don't
answer my questions with more
Franklin Swann: questions.
Like, just show me what to do.
And I would love to do that.
What is a vision of what a man
looks like today in terms of what
is the fruit and the, and the impact
and the result of a man living
out his purpose and in alignment?
Tanner Hays: Yeah.
there's four key areas.
That's physical, mental, spiritual,
and emotional, and how they need to
show up in, in what we believe is,
um, how they need to be show showing
up on a daily basis in those areas.
Franklin Swann: you've got physical
capacity in your body, you've got
mental clarity in your mind, you've
got emotional control in your heart,
and you've got spiritual connection.
In your soul, like the, the thing
about men is it takes a healthy
man to have a healthy marriage.
It takes a healthy marriage
to have a healthy family.
It takes a healthy family
to have a healthy community.
And so it all comes down in our mind to
the man's role and the part the man plays.
He has to be healthy, physically,
mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
In order to show up and lead in
the way that he's called to by God.
Tanner Hays: ultimately he's gonna
be the catalyst for change one way or
the other, whether that's positive or
Franklin Swann: negative.
And so you see guys like, what?
What do you, what does a guy really want?
Well, think most guys
would like to be fit.
They would like to have capacity and
ability in their physical body, right?
You've got guys who desire a
relationship with their wife.
They want to be a better husband,
they want to have a connected
relationship with their children.
But sometimes that doesn't look
like we want it to, not at all.
You've got the workplace and the
frustration of producing for your family.
providing the life that you wanna live,
the life you wanna live, and being able
to pay the bills and, and do the work.
But a lot of times that's frustrating.
And then ultimately, for the two of us,
we want to have a connection with God.
We don't want to just go through the
motions, but I personally want to have a
relationship where I feel and, and hear
him speaking into my life and guiding
me in a way that I can't myself, right?
Tanner Hays: I don't think there's a
single man that hears those categories
and doesn't wish or would like to improve
in, in each one of those categories, no
matter where they're at in their journey.
Franklin Swann: Right.
Well, it's the big boxes, right?
It's it's checking those big boxes.
'cause there's a lot of
things that we could get into.
Who won the latest sports
game is, is is fun.
But that's not the meaningful,
purposeful stuff in life that we
really wanna make sure that we get.
Tanner Hays: right.
And, and one of the saddest things
is many men are more passionate about
fill in the blank sports team that
they follow than what they feel is
their purpose in their own life or, in
their business or, even their family.
Um, they get more excited, um,
and definitely more upset on
the wins and losses of some,
you know, random sports team.
Franklin Swann: Right.
Um, and sports are fine.
I love sports.
Like love watching a good
college football game.
Uh, but you've gotta have
the priorities in line.
And I just think that it's a lot easier
to check into those things sometimes than
to know what to do about the problem in
your business or the problem in your body.
The, you know, the problem in
your marriage or with your kids.
And so it's easy to just check into those
other things where you just don't have
to, uh, you don't have to do the work.
Tanner Hays: And if you're listening or if
you're watching at home, we don't pretend
to have every single thing figured out.
Um, but we're committed to.
Improving and chasing after what, uh, a
better version of ourselves is every day.
Franklin Swann: There a lot of things
we don't have figured out, but we have
figured out quite a bit along a path
of, um, of struggle and frustration and,
and being in some dark places in our
past where, you know, it's been a decade
investing in the best coaching in the
best, uh, masterminds and mentor groups.
Training available in order to put all
the pieces together and figure things out.
And the the problem is, is you,
it guys shouldn't have to invest
a decade to figure it out.
Like they should be able to
open the playbook and they
should be able to go, oh wow.
Here's someone who went ahead of
me, someone who has figured it out.
It's not everything, but
it's a roadmap forward.
To create some alignment and
to create some stability in
life where it matters, right?
And in
Tanner Hays: our heart for this platform
that we have and this movement that we're
starting is that each time you, you watch
this on YouTube, or if you're listening
to this podcast, that you can take that
from that episode, take something and
implement it into your life that day.
Franklin Swann: Absolutely applicable.
Practical tools that will move your
life in the direction of what you want.
Uh, and, and I think the, uh, an important
point, right, right now to bring up like
we believe in honorable masculinity.
Masculinity that is strong in
order to be the protector provider
that I believe God made us to be.
Not to exploit, not to harm, not
to hurt, not to, uh, just for our
own gain, but our strength is four.
Our families, our strength is for our
communities and, and that's the lens
that, that we operate from, right?
Godly masculinity.
Tanner Hays: Right.
'cause our society is really great at
demonizing toxic masculinity and what
society says is what a man shouldn't be.
But what we don't, what our
society doesn't do a great
job of is encourage what.
Would be an honorable
version of masculinity.
Franklin Swann: Yeah.
Uh, it's sac, it's self sacrificing.
It is looking to the needs of others,
starting with your family and then
moving on to your friends, your extended
family, your community, and in the world.
Strong masculinity serves others and
creates safety in the hearts and minds of
the people that you love around yourself,
Tanner Hays: right?
And if there was ever a time in our
world that we could use some strong
masculinity to promote some safety, it
would be right now, in this time, right?
Franklin Swann: You've got young
boys who fail to become men, and
that causes havoc in society.
Tanner Hays: And if you're a father of,
uh, young men or, or boys or, um, you
have young kids, your goal should be
that they become a better version of
yourself and have to do it through less
time and through less trial as well.
Franklin Swann: Absolutely.
If my son can be a better man than
I ever dreamed to be, then that will
be one of my greatest victories.
One of the, the greatest ways we can
raise our sons is, is simply through
being the example of what a godly,
honorable masculine man looks like.
Tanner Hays: Right.
Uh, I heard a quote one time
that your son will become you and
your, your daughter will marry.
Someone like you someday.
And if that scares you a
little bit, then that's good.
We've got some work to do.
Franklin Swann: Yeah.
If that's not a sobering thought, then
uh, then some time on that is, is needed.
Any dad that has a daughter has
probably experienced Christmas Eve
and you have this Dollhouse and
it's about 10 o'clock at night.
And you put the kids to bed and you
open up that box and you see the, the
hundreds of pieces staring back at
you, and you, you instantly get that
this was a bad idea feeling, and you
also realize you're gonna be up way
later than you originally anticipated.
And so you get all those pieces out and
you have the picture on the box of, of
what this dollhouse should look like and.
It's probably one of the few
times the guys are actually
thankful for the directions,
Tanner Hays: right?
I don't have a daughter, but I have a wife
that brought home Ikea furniture a time
or two, and I've had that same feeling.
Franklin Swann: There you go.
Same, same kind of a deal.
So, so you open up those instructions
and the thing about guys is the last
thing they wanna do is open up that
instruction book and either be asked
a question like, what do you think?
You should do, and they certainly
don't wanna see a blank page.
And when it comes to, so what do I
do on day one, step one, to implement
like the tools and tactics into my
life to, to just start leveling up.
Like it doesn't have to be so hard.
Like being a man is hard.
Like showing up for your family,
going to work, doing all these things.
That is hard, but it shouldn't
be and doesn't have to be so hard
and we don't have to do it alone.
And there's tools and things
that that are available that are
simple, practical, applicable.
So when you open that, that plan on
Christmas Eve, you can actually go one
step at a time and build this dollhouse
that you've got in front of you.
Tanner Hays: Right.
And I feel like men, especially
today, get characterized as
being lazy and not men of action.
I think we all want to be men of
action, but most of us, myself
included, we just need the action plan.
Like, tell me what to do and
I'll go and, and I'll do it.
Franklin Swann: Yeah.
Your challenge may be I need to
just take action to begin with.
And that, that's a problem.
That's a challenge that a
lot of men face, you know?
Like, you gotta overcome laziness.
But then once you're ready to take
action, well, what should I actually do?
How do I actually move forward?
And some of that, uh, may just
be apathy and frustration with,
well, if I don't know what to do,
why am I gonna try so hard anyway?
Tanner Hays: Especially when
everything around me is a mirror
showing me what I'm doing wrong.
Franklin Swann: Guys like to win.
Guys like to feel good
about the work they do.
Guys like to feel appreciated, but
it's hard to do if you don't know
what to do and if you're always
feeling like you're doing it wrong.
Tanner Hays: This podcast is for you.
If you felt any one of those things
we're, if you're a lady at home and
you're, you're listening to this,
um, this podcast is for you as well.
Um, 'cause we, we hope that this message
gets, gets to as many men as possible.
And sometimes that comes from.
Um, from an, a loved one or a spouse,
Franklin Swann: One of the things
we're gonna focus on a lot is what
we are calling our four mandates,
physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
health, which means physical capacity.
The ability to show up physically
as the man in, uh, in the
marriage and the relationship,
uh, the mental clarity needed.
The emotional control.
More men probably mess things
up by a sheer lack of emotional
control than anything else.
And then ultimately we want to have
a spiritual connection with God,
a relationship with him, right?
And so those are gonna be the
four areas that we talk about.
Uh, we're gonna talk about
protocols, tactics, skills.
We're gonna have frameworks
and actual training.
Uh, if you will go to
the world needs men.com.
We are gonna have free resources,
free tools, uh, free roadmaps that
men can utilize and put into, put
into practice and put to work today
in order to begin moving the needle
in the direction they wanna go.
Applicable, not just theory, right?
And the thing is, none of this is
either, it's also not a magic trick.
It's not a, uh, silver bullet.
It's not a silver bullet.
There are no silver bullets.
It is, you either do the work
or you don't, and you either
get the result or you don't.
Tanner Hays: We're so excited to
be on this journey and, and to,
to help as many men as possible.
Um, we're thankful for this platform and
we look forward to, uh, many more episodes
and more training and resources for you.
Franklin Swann: Absolutely.
So this is The World Needs Men.
Podcast number one.
Tanner Hays: We ask that if you found
value in this, that you subscribe to the
podcast and share it with someone that you
think would find value in this as well.
Franklin Swann: If
there's a man that you know
who would benefit from this,
please share it with them.
We want to get these messages and
these tools and resources out to as
many men as we can so that marriages
can be thriving, families can heal.
So kids have great dads so that wives
have great husbands and one man at a time.
In this world, we can make a difference.
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