12. Core4: Balance
Core 4 - Balance
Introduction: The World Needs Men
Franklin: Right now, the world needs great men who will stand up and lead with honor, serve with purpose, and courageously fulfill their God given roles and responsibilities as husbands, fathers, leaders, and men. It's time we see more men thrive, marriages filled with passion, and families that flourish. So whether you're a man struggling to figure it all out, or an awesome husband and dad looking for the next level, you've come to the right place.
We're your hosts, Franklin Swan and Tanner Hayes, bringing you practical, applicable tools and strategies you can use every day to build yourself into the man God is calling you to be. This is The World Needs Men. Let's
Tanner: go. Welcome back to the world needs men podcast. I'm your host, Tanner Hayes, Franklin Swan.[00:01:00]
The Importance of Balance in Relationships
Tanner: Today we're going to be continuing on with our core four discussion. And today's topic will be
Franklin: balance and balance is relationships. Really one of the most important things in our lives, uh, as men, husbands, fathers, and, uh, today's discussion is really going to be practical applicable. And so be ready to take notes.
We're going to have a whole lot of information to give. I've been really looking forward to this one personally. So starting off with a little bit of a story, when I started in the real estate business out of college, I've interviewed with a lot of. Brokers and really was looking for a mentor and someone I could work under and really learn from and one of the men I met with shared a story with me and looking back, I wasn't married and I'm not 100 percent sure why he even shared this story with me.[00:02:00]
But it's always stuck with me. And it's just this little nugget that at the time I didn't even realize the depth of wisdom that he was sharing because it seemed so simple. Yeah. Too simple. Yeah. It was just too, too simple to be, be all that meaningful at the time. But now being married 17 years, I look back on it and I'm just like, wow, that That was a bit of wisdom that I was given and so blessed to be given, and it's going to tie in so well with our topic and discussion today, but he shared this story of this little game that he and his wife would play and Each of them would take turns hiding a little, uh, note they called Smiley.
It's like Smiley, but with an S H at the front of it. And what it stood for, it's like an acronym, it's S H M I L Y. And Smiley [00:03:00] It was just this beautiful little personal note that they each knew what that thing meant. It was like their little thing between them and one of them would hide it and, you know, maybe in the cabinet or somewhere where they knew the other was going to find it.
And when the other one found it. Then it was their turn to hide Smiley back and, and it would just be this back and forth. And it was just this really beautiful way that one, they stayed playful with each other, but then two, they were just taking the time each day to make an effort to deposit into each other this little act of love and letting each of them know that I'm thinking about you and I want you to know how much I love you.
Yeah, just being
Tanner: intentional. And I think for many of us, these are things that we did when we were dating that fall off once we become
Franklin: married. It's real easy. I don't think there's probably a married man on the planet who hasn't [00:04:00] fallen off his game, so to speak, after he gets married. And, you know, if. If we're really bad, it defaults to, you know, investing in our spouse at Valentine's day, maybe for birthday anniversary, you've got Christmas, you can throw in there.
And, and it's like, well, that's all I need to do. I've, you know, I've won the, the girl. And, and then you just forget that. Everything, your relationship is, is really like a bank account. It is something that needs to be deposited into and invested in every single day.
Tanner: So what are some of the practical tips that we can give
Franklin: people?
The Power of Daily Deposits in Relationships
Franklin: Well, before we even get into that. So The whole principle that we're going to discuss today is it relates to the core four and as it relates to the daily habits that Tanner and I utilize, uh, to [00:05:00] really, you know, get our life on point every single day is this idea of daily deposits, which is the strategy, but the real principle is this idea of relationships are something that have to be invested in, not once or twice a year, not on just special occasions, but But it's a little bit of investing every single day.
It's, it's no different than, you know, going to the gym for 30 minutes every single day is a lot better than a once a week or once a month, big workout. It's those, it's those small little things each day. And another way of looking at this, and we're going to get into how all the how to, but if you imagine if you wear glasses, or even if you don't, everyone can imagine putting on a pair of glasses that you just bought.
And imagine the lens on those glasses on day one are nice and pristine and clean that you just got. And you, you start wearing them and you can see the world really clearly. That's kind of like how we, when we get married. We have this, you know, [00:06:00] perfectly clear lens of, of how we look at our spouse or the first day we hold our child when it's born, we have this perfectly clear lens, but no different is that then when you have a pair of glasses, if you don't clean them on a regular basis, they begin to distort your.
View of reality. So if you go a few days and you haven't cleaned those glasses, well, there's a few smudges on them. And so, you know, you just cannot see quite as well. And then if you go weeks or even months, the glasses become so, so foggy that it literally distorts your ability to see the. the world the way it really is.
Tanner: I know for me, I wear glasses at night and I don't even realize how dirty they've gotten until I do clean them. And I love that analogy of taking the time to clean that lens on a weekly daily basis. So they always have a clear
Franklin: picture and you make a great point. We don't realize how dirty the lens is [00:07:00] until we clean it and see the difference in this.
Like, Oh my gosh, I had no idea. Just how much my vision was distorted. And so what does this have to do with balance in our relationships? Well, if you never take the time to clean the lens through which you see your spouse and your children, your view of them will over time become distorted. And when you take the time to do a daily deposit.
It's no different than taking the time to clean your glasses so that you can see the world, see your family, the way they truly are. So, we have this principle of relationships being something that you have to invest in every single day.
Practical Tips for Implementing Daily Deposits
Franklin: And we're going to give you a strategy and some tools and really specific tactics on how we utilize this strategy and implement it each day.
And [00:08:00] so the strategy is called daily deposits. And what that looks like is giving your spouse and your children a note. And that note is one of either love, honor, respect, or appreciation. Again, that's love, honor, respect, appreciation, and it is your opportunity every single day to clean that lens through which you see your family and express to them and show them the things that you love about them.
You know, you may choose to tell them how much you love a particular character trait or something that they did for you or something that they do really well. You may want to share with your wife what you honor about her and men that that's something right there that we all could use more of is really this attitude of honor towards our wives and how we treat them.
You may write a note about respect and what you respect about how [00:09:00] your children behave or or a choice that they made or the way that they show up in their life, whether that's in school or in sports or whatever. And then finally, there's appreciation like. The people closest to us in our lives, they need to know that we are appreciative and grateful for them as people, not just for what they do, but just for who they are.
And so this is the, a very simple strategy where each day is an opportunity to share that love, that honor, respect or appreciation with the people who are, who mean the most to you and are closest to you.
Tanner: You don't have to be a wordsmith. This doesn't have to be this, these long, you know, love letters or anything can be very
Franklin: simple.
The easiest mistake to make when you first look at this is to believe that I don't have enough time. So this is something, this is a strategy that I have. That I adopted years ago and I do every single day and it takes me [00:10:00] in about five minutes on average. Sometimes I take a little bit more but literally three notes to my wife, my son, my daughter takes me maybe five minutes.
It's no different than anything else. You get good at It, this just like any other skill, I
Tanner: was going to say, it's, it's like a muscle. It probably got easier over time for you. A hundred
Franklin: percent. And, and part of it too, there's, you know, as we get into the tactics and the tools around this, there's really a lot that you can do to make it simpler.
Right. And so there's, there's different, uh, ways and techniques that I've found of doing this, that. You don't have to reinvent the wheel every day. It's not like you have to sit down with a full sheet of paper and write this long 500 word dissertation. It's really very simple. It can be very short and it can be done whether you're at home or you're traveling and we're going to get into all of those things.
Tanner: What about for the guy that's listening to this and is like, well, I know my wife's love [00:11:00] language, and it's not
Franklin: words of affirmation. That's a great point. So what you need, this is, this is very important. You're going to, then you're going to want to listen very closely to this. And you have to have this perspective on what we're sharing with you today.
This is not first and foremost for your wife or children. The first person this is for is you. This is to clean your own perspective of how you see your wife and children. It's to shift your own energy in terms of how you engage with them. And it's first and foremost, a gift you give yourself so that you can show up as a better, more present, more loving, more patient husband and father each and every day.
And so whether your wife loves the love notes or not, you have to realize this is for you first. What I have found is when I get up in the [00:12:00] morning and write these notes and have that done before my wife is up or before the kids are up, it sets in an energetic, Intention and direction for the day where it makes it's a lot harder to be short or snappy or ungrateful towards your family after you've written a note, it's hard to on one hand, you know, write this amazing note to them or even just a really simple note telling them how much you love them and appreciate all they do and then turn right around and be a jerk.
Tanner: Well, it's just like the other parts of the core four where we're priming the system where, you know, drinking the green smoothie, we're sweating every day, we're preparing our body for, you know, what, what lays ahead. And this is no different. This is just preparing your heart to make sure that you're serving your, your wife
Franklin: and your kids well.
Absolutely. It just gets you going in the right, in the right direction. And the reality is if you, if you do this with, I guess, uh, integrity and just, if it's [00:13:00] heartfelt, you know, if you're not just going through the motions, if it's truly like what you feel and what you see and believe. you know, whether they receive it or not is secondary.
The first thing is that you get you set yourself up because it may not be the note that makes the difference. It may be that you write the note that shifts how you show up that morning and then in the midst of things being crazy that morning or something coming up that's unexpected, you're able to navigate emotionally those moments.
better because you've already gotten yourself ready for the day with this particular strategy. So I want to get into some real tactical ways that you can implement this. Again, that our strategy is daily deposits. We, we write these notes, but there's more to it than just that. And this is going to be simple.
So there are different tools you can use in order to get this all across. One of the ways that I have used, especially before my children were able to read, [00:14:00] is I would do a video. I would actually pull up my cell phone, do it, turn on a quick video. It could be anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds and just say, Hey, Hey, son, a daughter, a wife, you know, this is what I'm thinking today.
This is what I love about you. Appreciate honor, whatever the case may be. And I would send that off to him. I actually downloaded a, an app that would, uh, let you pick out like a funny face that it would put on. And when my kids were real little, I would. Uh, actually get into character, use some silly voice, put on some silly face and do everything from tell them what I loved about him to sing a goofy song that I made up on the fly.
Like just like men get goofy and silly with this. Like let that like inner kid come out and just be fun and playful with it and don't overthink it and just do something that's going to like really just make your kids smile. And that's one of the most amazing things I give my kids these notes every single day when we're on the way to school now.
And they read them, they read [00:15:00] every single one of them and they keep every single one of them. But for a bit of a tactical how to, you don't have to just write a note. You can actually record a quick video. If you're, if you're a man who travels, uh, men, if you travel, listen to what I'm telling about to tell you.
When you travel, I know that there can be a piece of you that feels guilty because you're not at home connecting with your family. I've spoken to men who, where it's like, I'm on the road, I'm, I'm supporting my family, I'm doing what I need to do, but there's this piece of them that's also torn going and I'm not with my kids.
The way I want to be. This is one of the most amazing ways that you can still connect with them every single day and let them know that you're thinking about them. Let them know that they are important to you and what you think about them, even though you have to be on the road. And even though you're out doing what you need to do is, is a husband and father to support your family, which is what you [00:16:00] should be doing.
So a, a, an amazing strategy and tactic for this is to create those videos each day. That you're on the road. If they're old enough and have a phone, send it directly to them. If you need to send it to your wife to show them, but this is just a great way for men who do have to spend time away from home to be able to make that daily deposit, even though they're not there.
Tanner: So no excuses is
Franklin: what you're saying. No excuses. You know, there's too many ways of going about this. And so it's either you choose to do it or you don't, but there's really not an excuse for why you wouldn't. So there's videos, you can send a text message. I mean, there's been days when I've been, you know, I've just shot off a text message to my wife, no different than a note.
Sometimes I'll pull up my cell phone and I'll just hit the voice record and I'll record an audio note to my wife and kids. I mean, I've done that, uh, you know, plenty of times. And then finally is the actual handwritten note [00:17:00] and. And I'm going to get into a bit of a pro tip on, on how to write the best handwritten note to your, to your wife and kids and something that's really powerful you can do, but it doesn't just have to look like one thing all the time.
You can mix it up. You can get creative and playful with this. You can record a video, you can send a text message, you can record an audio message, or you can handwrite a physical note. So the next thing I want to talk about is. Specifically, how to create a really powerful handwritten note. So the way I do this, I did it this morning is I start off and I actually get on my iPad and I pull up a, uh, just a blank Word document and then I open up my photos and I will actually go and find three photos.
One of me and my daughter, one of me and my son, one of me and my wife, and I will cut and paste and then shrink. Uh, each one of those [00:18:00] and, uh, to where they're at the top of the page, just, uh, straight across. And so there's small and there's plenty of white space, uh, empty blank page below. And I'll print that off.
I'll print the, uh, that sheet off with those three images, and then I'll just do a little fold and I'll actually. Uh, just cut the paper into three strips, each one of them having a picture at the very top and then blank space down below. Now, what's really powerful about doing this is when you write the note, especially to your kids and two to your spouse, when you write that note, not only are you speaking words, but then you're, you're showing them a picture of the two of you at some time that Helps connect them to that moment and to whatever it was you were experiencing with them.
We've all heard the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words. When you can have the words and the picture, it just makes this [00:19:00] amazing thing that creates some context. And it brings that note to life in a whole different way. And what it also forces you to do is start remembering to take some photos of you and your, your family.
Tanner: That's where my mind went. I was like, man, I'm not sure how many photos I have in my phone of me and my kids and all
Franklin: that. Yeah. I'll go back sometimes years and pull back, you know, a photo of me and my daughter on a daddy daughter date. Three years ago and put it on there or sometimes I pull them up and I'm like, wow, I need to get back on taking those photos because I've just fallen off on that lately.
I don't take selfies and put them on on social media, but you should be absolutely taking lots of selfies with your family so that you can use them later on. To create these amazing love notes that are going to fill them up and it's going to make you feel really good as a husband and a father that you're able to pour into them like this every single day.[00:20:00]
Pro Tips and Common Pitfalls
Tanner: So I know what people are thinking and they're like, are you, are you saying you do this every day? You print these pictures off, you cut and paste it in a document and print it off and cut it out
Franklin: every day. It's like any other habit, you know, uh, we all get the same 24 hours in a day. It's not how much time we have.
It's what we choose to do with it. If you have a TV in your home and you spend an hour watching Netflix, if you spend any time scrolling through social media, uh, if you spend any time. Uh, glued to the TV watching sports, then you cannot tell me that you don't have time to invest in the most important people in your world.
Tanner: Just pull out your phone and look at your screen time. And that's a really sobering and convicting number for most people.
Franklin: That's a great point. You know, if you're looking for time to do some of the things that Tanner and I are going through in this whole podcast, just pull open your phone, look at the app that has the most time on it.
Look how much time that [00:21:00] is. Delete the app and then you just gain whatever time there was, uh, being poured into that, that app, whether it's social media or, or whatever. And so, you know, you could be looking at news, you could be doing all kinds of things. You know, there's not much that I do each day.
That's more important than making this little deposit and it compounds. And it's like, again, going back to the bank account analogy, it's something that builds over time. What is really amazing looking back from doing this for years now, every day, just one little note. And we have a drawer in our house and when you pull it open, it is bursting almost unclosable because there are so many of these notes and men listen up to this.
Just consider this. If you committed to, to making this a part of your day and you committed to just doing a simple little [00:22:00] note to your spouse and your children each day. And you do it for a month and then you do it for a year. And the next thing you know, you've been doing this for a few years. Each one of his men are not going to live forever.
One day we will be taken. And what I know my family has, if I get hit by a bus today, they have a drawer that they will go to in one of the most precious and cherished possessions that they would have in my absence would be hundreds upon hundreds of notes. With pictures attached and everything that I've ever thought about them.
And I know for a fact that if something happened to me today, one of the things that they would do is pull all those notes out, put them into binders and notebooks, and each one of them would have just a bank. Of [00:23:00] all of these things that that were cherished memories and in what I appreciated and honored and respected about them.
And you just can't put a price on that. Not only for them, but for me myself, like I've got life insurance, but like. And that's important and necessary, but this is a whole different level of, of just purpose within being a great husband and father. And so you can make excuses for why you don't have enough time or why you just don't want to do it or this, that and another, but you know, you'd be missing out if you didn't implement this into your life.
And honestly, there's a piece of it where you'd be robbing your family of a, of a beautiful gift that you could give them every single day.
Tanner: You know, that's so powerful. And the other image that I have is, you know, your kids are older than mine. Yours are getting close to middle school and those are not just formative years, but can be difficult years and you're [00:24:00] equipping your kids to, to walk in to middle school or high school or whatever, even elementary school with notes and.
Knowing that their, their dad loves them for specific, you know, these, these reasons or what have you,
Franklin: that you make a great point. You know, your, your children are going to go through seasons. Your spouse is going to go through seasons and, and these may be notes that are of encouragement. You know, these may be notes that help.
them to know that you as a husband and father are there for them, you know, during difficult seasons. And so there's just so many ways, like you can't go deep, uh, like too deep with this. You can't like, there's just so many practical ways that you can apply this. And, and it, it just becomes this huge blessing again for you first and then for your family.
And. It really is one of the most powerful things I do each morning when I skip this, and it's very rare, but when I do, I think this, because it's become such a habit, [00:25:00] this missing from my morning routine impacts me in a negative way more than anything else, because I just gained so much from the very simple process of allowing myself to remember what it is that I love, honor, honor, honor.
Respect, appreciate, and then give myself and my family that gift of expression, uh, through that.
Tanner: So let's get into some pro tips that men can, can use when they're, when they're starting this.
Franklin: Yep. So moving from the tool. So I gave you the tools. You've got the strategy of these daily deposits. You've got the tactical tools that allow you to implement this strategy every single day, again, built on the principle that your relationships require a deposit.
An investment daily, not weekly, monthly once a year on Valentine's Day, where you buy a box of chocolates and just, you know, think that's going to be enough. It's these little, and the [00:26:00] date nights are there too. Like this doesn't take the place. This is in addition to all the other things that we should be doing as.
as husbands and fathers. You know, we should still be taking our wife on a date every single week. We should be doing daddy daughter dates. If we have daughters, we should be doing father son night with our boys if we have them. But there are some things that I have learned and experienced along the way.
And then you're going to really want to listen up to this because this can save you a lot of headache and heartache. So number one. If you decide to begin doing this, the number one pro tip I will give you is when you write the note and give it to your wife and kids, do not ask them about it. If you do, you are being needy.
Needy men are not attractive. And every one of us has been a needy man at some point. But realize, like, if you You create a negative energy around it if [00:27:00] you ask them about it and expect them to all of a sudden just praise you for being this just amazing human that is doing this marvelous thing like that's just not the attitude you should take.
Uh, you do not ask them about it and you number two, you do not expect them to appreciate it or reciprocate. If it is a gift, it is a gift. No strings attached. They don't have to do anything. Uh, they don't have to appreciate it. And they certainly shouldn't be put in a position of why haven't you written me a note?
Like my wife doesn't write me notes. That's not her thing. I don't resent her for that. Like, I love like she doesn't need to do that. It is my thing and it's my choice to do each day and it has nothing to do with whether or not she gives me a note. Now she writes me notes from time to time and it is one of the most cherished things that I have is her words on paper to me.
But I don't [00:28:00] go to her and, and ask her, why haven't you written me a note, you know, which is pouty needy energy that I would be bringing into the relationship.
Tanner: Yeah. It can be conditional and it can be strings attached to it, but I know we have a lot of women that listen to the podcast and I can't help but think that the part where you said needy men aren't attractive.
I can't help but think that they are saying, Hey man,
Franklin: um, and every, again, Every man has been, has shown up in needy space and energy. And one of the best things we can realize is just when we are doing that and how unattractive it is and how weak it is. I mean, you know, when I step back and think of myself being needy, I mean, it just makes my own skin crawl and I, and I want to do everything I can to not show up in that way.
We still are human and we still do that sometimes, but if we can, if we can keep from falling into that. space, life gets a lot better because we show up as a more attractive [00:29:00] version of ourselves for our
Tanner: wives. Don't, don't write the note or, or empty the dishwasher if you're expecting a pat on the back.
Franklin: Yeah. You're, you're not doing this for atta boys or for, you know, what do I get in return or, Oh honey, I wrote you a note. So, uh, you know, I can't wait for tonight. Like. This will backfire on you and blow up in your face. If that's the approach you take, right? This is a gift, no strings attached. This is not a transaction.
If you treat it as something that your wife should be reciprocating or give it, showing you appreciation or any of these things, it is transactional, not a gift. And so just do not fall into that space. Because it will backfire on you. The next thing, if, you know, at first it's like, oh, that's so sweet.
Thank you. I love this. And then you get a little bit of time goes by and you get the question. Am I just a part of your checklist in the morning, or I don't want you to write me notes [00:30:00] anymore, or I don't feel this. And so I want you to stop. I will tell you right now, this is like, do not stop. No matter what your spouse says, no matter what your kids say, if you are in a fight one day, in every couple of fights, and so if you're in a fight and the last thing you want to do sometimes is write a note, right?
Because you're angry, you're pissed off, whatever. It doesn't matter. Get over it. You still write a note and even that will help shift your, your space mentally and emotionally so that you can step into whatever it is that you're dealing with, with your spouse in that moment. But you just like, no matter what they say, whether they like it or they don't have to read it again, this is for you first.
And then second, and if they want to read it, that's great. If they don't want to read it, that's fine, but that has no bearing on whether you write it or not. And, and it's really important to remember to keep the consistency and be committed to this once you start, because you can do this for a week or [00:31:00] so and that's fine.
The power in it is making it a part of who you become, not just what you do. And so first thing, don't ask about it. Second, do not expect appreciation, reciprocation. Third, don't stop no matter what. And the fourth thing, and this is what I fall, this is the trap I fall into the most, do not allow this to become a replacement for actual in person communication.
I struggle with, and it can be really easy for me to Get up in the morning, write my note, give it to my wife and I'm out the door. But I, and I forget to really communicate with her in person, eye to eye and in express verbally to her in her presence, what I love, honor, respect, and appreciate about her.
And that's one of the things that I struggle with the most is, is just remembering to do that. And it can be easy if you're doing this, implementing this strategy in your life to. [00:32:00] to forget to do that or to even subconsciously think, well, I've already checked again, check the box. And so I can move on. It doesn't, it doesn't replace, this is a game of addition.
This is something you're adding to all of the other things you're doing, not something that is replacing the other things that are necessary. And so those are just some really, uh, important pro tips to keep in mind. I would encourage anyone listening to this that is going to implement this to go back and listen to it again, because these things are really important and you can follow these tips and not fall into some of the traps and, and make some of the state mistakes that I have, uh, along this journey.
So, man, that, that's, That's it. Like every day we have these relationships that are so important to us that we have to invest into and there is a simple strategy of daily deposits that you can make, whether that's through [00:33:00] video, a text message, an audio voice note, or an actual handwritten note, and if you're really on top of your game, um, Like printing off a piece of paper with a little picture on it and on that note, if you don't have a whole lot of time each morning, batch this like you could print off seven days worth of paper, each one with a little picture on it and just get it done on a Sunday night and then you're ready to go for the week.
So there's ways of getting around this. Don't believe the excuse that's going on in your mind that you don't have time. Anyone can do this. So you implement that. You make it consistent. You do those daily deposits. And it just makes life better. I know that for me, like, it has just shifted my relationship with my, with my children.
It's shifted my relationship with my spouse. I feel less guilt. I feel less shame around the times when I do have to travel or. You know, when I am short with them or whatever the case may be, it's like, it's a way that I can [00:34:00] help myself get back on track. The other thing I want to throw in before we start wrapping this up is if you have been overdrawn on your relational bank account with your spouse for years, this is not going to fix things overnight.
It is really important to realize that if you've, if you've not been showing up as a great husband, if you've been overdrawn, not investing in, then expecting after a few days of writing these notes that all of a sudden, like you've, you've got a million bucks in the bank. You're going to be sorely mistaken, however long you have spent digging yourself a hole.
It's going to take you a while to dig back out of that. So don't assume that we're all, that we are telling you that if you do this, that it is going to magically fix your relationship. This is something that supports and, and accelerates your relationship and [00:35:00] especially puts you on point emotionally with your family each day.
But it's just, I want to say it's really important. So keep in mind that if you've been overdrawn for years, that you've got some overdraft fees that you're going to have to pay to make up for that. And
Tanner: if you are that person and you are overdrawn and you know, if you are, this is a great place to start.
Listen to the pro tips, make it simple. And do it
Franklin: daily. That's a great point, Tanner. It's just, it's a place to start, right?
Conclusion: The Impact of Daily Deposits on Relationships
Franklin: It's a place to start and get going in the right direction. If you've got a marriage that needs to be rebuilt, then this is a starting point. And then there's a lot of other stuff out there that you could go and pursue in order to, to restore, uh, whatever has been broken or damaged, but this is.
the core for be a balance. And every day it's simply writing a note of love, honor, appreciation, or [00:36:00] respect to your spouse and to your children. And, and that's it. Like that's the balanced side of this. And that gets our relationships on point, which are so critical and so important. And honestly, men like, like we can have the fittest bodies.
We can have the best business in the world. We can be spiritually connected. If. If our marriage and relationship with our kids are falling apart, everything else around us loses so much meaning. There's just so much purpose and fulfillment found in, in showing up as the men God has called us to be. And, and we cannot neglect our families.
We cannot just think that once a year is enough. Uh, and that after we get married and, and as time goes on that we don't have to pour into them. And so this is a daily discipline, a daily habit that if you do it will absolutely shift the [00:37:00] trajectory of the relationships that matter most.
Tanner: Well, we want to thank y'all for listening.
Um, we really wanted to be a resource to, to our listeners, but if you found any value in this podcast, we would greatly appreciate it if you would give us a rating or review on iTunes.
Franklin: And if you have any questions, always feel free to reach out, we'd be happy to help.
Tanner: We ask that if you found value in this, that you subscribe to the podcast and share with someone that you think would find value in this as well.
Franklin: If there's a man that you know who would benefit from this, please share it with them. We want to get these messages and these tools and resources out to as many men as we can so that marriages can be thriving, families can heal. So kids have great dads so that wives have great husbands and one man at a time in this world we can make a difference.[00:38:00]
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