14. Core4: Business
[00:00:00] Franklin: Right now, the world needs great men who will stand up and lead with honor, serve with purpose, and courageously fulfill their God given roles and responsibilities as husbands, fathers, leaders, and men. It's time we see more men thrive, marriages filled with passion, and families that flourish. So whether you're a man struggling to figure it all out, or an awesome husband and dad looking for the next level, you've come to the right place.
[00:00:38] We're your hosts, Franklin Swan and Tanner Hayes, bringing you practical, applicable tools and strategies you can use every day to build yourself into the man God is calling you to be. This is The World Needs Men. Let's go
[00:00:58] Tanner: Welcome back to the world needs [00:01:00] men podcast. We're your host tanner. Hayes franklin swan today We're gonna be finishing up our series on the core four with our principle of
[00:01:08] Franklin: business and today what we're really gonna dive into is just this idea of Really increasing your knowledge and your ability to create value in the world Through study each and every day and how that translates into your life is a husband, a father, a leader, a provider, you know, whether you own a business or are employed in a business every day, you have an opportunity to increase the value that you're able to create in the world so that you can serve other people better and serve your family better.
[00:01:42] But it takes a life. You know, really a certain practice and a certain intentionality in order to achieve that every day, right?
[00:01:50] Tanner: And this isn't just for the sake of making money. This is about creating a real impact in the lives of not just our family, but our community as
[00:01:59] Franklin: [00:02:00] well. I believe that money is not good or bad.
[00:02:03] Money is just simply a tool that can be used for good or bad. And, you know, the way we're going to frame it up and look at it is money is a really good thing that allows us to provide for our families. It allows us to support our community. It allows us, if we're business owners, to hire people, to give people raises, to, uh, you know, invest in, in things that matter.
[00:02:25] And all of that comes though from, you know, fundamentally, uh, especially us men who were speaking to having an intentionality around how we increase our knowledge base every single day in a way that allows us to express that value in the world in some way.
[00:02:42] Tanner: And money follows value of a mentor of mine that he's the acronym ROI, which most people know that as return on investment.
[00:02:51] But he says it's actually return on impact and the impact that you're having
[00:02:55] Franklin: on others. That's a great analogy and a great way to think about it because, you know, [00:03:00] it's not just about making money. Making money is almost the byproduct of the impact that you're able to have and, and the difference that you're able to make in the world.
[00:03:08] And from the business standpoint. Now, there's just a ton that comes from the business world. If you look at what You know, what good is done in the world. There's a lot of business that makes a lot of money and from that profit is, is able to put it back into something of purpose. And you know, we believe that business is a, is a tool and business is a vehicle.
[00:03:32] for really supporting, you know, nonprofits, charities, and then on a, on a personal level, taking your kids on a trip, taking your wife on a date night, uh, sending your kids to school like money is necessary and important for all of these things. And the more you make and the better you do, the more you're going to be able to help other people.
[00:03:52] Just this
[00:03:53] Tanner: week, I was listening to an interview that Alex Ramosi was in and he said, you know, he's. incredibly successful. I don't [00:04:00] even know how much he's he's worth or anything like that. But he said money doesn't buy happiness, but it can help you avoid pain. And what I took out of that, it's not just pain for yourself of, you know, not being able to pay bills and things like that, but it can also help those that are in need, whether that's through charity or through your church or something like
[00:04:18] Franklin: that.
[00:04:19] When I got into business and looking back, you know, right after college, what I'm really just shocked at. Looking back is how little I really knew about business, even though I had a college degree in marketing, and that was very valuable and I'm very glad that I went to college and that's been helpful, but the amount of knowledge that I've had to gain after college in order to run a successful business is probably more than I was able to learn while I was actually in college.
[00:04:49] So this, this idea that you're going to come out of school and just know magically what to do, or that the school is going to be everything you need in order to be successful. That's just not the reality of [00:05:00] the world. And if you don't have a growth mindset around yourself professionally, then wherever you are today is, is pretty much where you're going to be forever.
[00:05:11] You're, if you don't grow and don't. Level up, then you're going to be stuck,
[00:05:17] Tanner: right? And, you know, college is a, is a great tool, but I think about the time that I spent in college. Which for what I do, you do have to, you know, to go to grad school and get your doctorate and everything. But I think of how much time I spent in school and if I had spent the same amount of time each week, like I would've been in class learning what I've learned in business, how much further I may have been.
[00:05:39] But that's just all a part of the journey and, and, and a part of the, their learning experience.
[00:05:44] Franklin: So a formula that I wanna introduce and, and just have you consider is. That dollars and value. It's about creating more value for more people more often. It's also about solving bigger and better problems. So [00:06:00] the more value you can create and the more people that you can create that value for and the more often that value can be created for those people, the more profit that will generate.
[00:06:12] In this world, and the bigger, the problems and the better problems that you solve for other people, the more you will get paid. And so really looking, what does this look like on a practical level and how can I implement this every day? Because you may be working on a nine to five, you may be running a business, you may be just getting out of school and looking at how do I, how do I start my career?
[00:06:36] It doesn't really matter where you are. You could be early in your career, late in your career, but if you're not learning something related to business or related to the way that you make money and the way that you make an income every single day, then you're leaving opportunity on the table and there's somebody out there who is learning every day, who's actually beating you and getting ahead because they're investing into their [00:07:00] mental capacity and their, and their knowledge base in a way that's gonna allow them to show up better.
[00:07:05] The people in my company who bring me the best ideas, the people who solve the best problems, they're the ones who naturally rise to the higher levels of leadership in the higher positions and in the better paid roles and positions that we have. So if you don't find a way to create value for other people, and it may be creating value for your employer, and when you do that, you're going to be more likely to get to have a shot at that promotion or a shot at that new opportunity.
[00:07:33] And you just want to become a very valuable human being in the business world. It
[00:07:37] Tanner: doesn't matter what industry you're in. You could be in pest control. You could be in dentistry. You could be in wall street. It doesn't matter what you're in. There is information and knowledge out there that other people have put together, whether it's on youtube or on the internet that you can learn and you can benefit from.
[00:07:55] So that there's no excuse for not continuing to level up just from a knowledge [00:08:00] standpoint, but at the same time, it's, this isn't about just learning for learning sake, you want to make sure that you're taking this knowledge and actually implementing it.
[00:08:10] Franklin: Yeah. Reading just. For the sake of reading a business book or listening to a podcast, just for the sake of listening to the podcast, like there, there has to be some purpose behind it.
[00:08:19] If all you do is, is consume information, but you don't act on what you learn, then, then it really doesn't have any value. Right.
[00:08:27] Tanner: And not too long ago, I had a young guy that was telling me that he started listening to the podcast and he's like, you know, I have this. Goal of reading 52 business books this year.
[00:08:38] And I'm starting to listen to your podcast and it's kind of got me slowing me down on my goal. And so he was kind of talking about that and I was like, you know, that's a great goal, but what I would challenge you is to make sure that each one of those books that you're, you're listening to, or you're reading that you're actually implementing something from it.
[00:08:54] Cause you'd be better off reading less books and implementing more. Then just trying to [00:09:00] achieve this, this big goal. And there's nothing wrong with the goal. Like read as many books as you want, but make sure that you're actually finding something that you can implement.
[00:09:07] Franklin: You're better off reading less and having one actionable item to implement into your life or into your business every day, then you are trying to consume as much as you can, but not having any time or bandwidth after that to, to actually.
[00:09:21] Let that information become something.
[00:09:24] Tanner: And that's the mission with our podcast is that each time that you listen, that we're providing actionable tools that you can implement right away.
[00:09:33] Franklin: If you look at this idea of core for business, and it's really about learning and leveraging every day in order to move yourself forward as it relates to your ability to produce an income and provide for your family and make a difference in this world, it's really leveling.
[00:09:52] Yourself up. And, you know, I think back to when I got into business and came into the family business, you know, we had, [00:10:00] we did what we did, but there was so much that really, we didn't have our strategies in place. And I mean, there's marketing, there's fulfillment, there's sales, there's accounting, there's.
[00:10:11] You know, just all these different areas of the business and I really had to go and learn and seek out all of the tools and strategies for how to operate our business at a really high level. And again, that did not come naturally from college that came from me seeking those things out. You know, after school, and that is what has transformed the company and to a large degree is just the ability to make sure that every day I was learning something that I could bring into the business, something of value that would allow us to serve our team, serve our customers and serve our community.
[00:10:47] In a better way. And had I not done that, the business would have been greatly impacted in a negative way. And we just wouldn't have grown to the to the level that we are now. And we wouldn't have been able to [00:11:00] help as many people. So what we're going to propose. That you add into this morning routine that we were calling the core for, you know, to look back.
[00:11:08] We started with body and fitness and fuel. Then we went to being, which is the meditations and the memoirs. We went to balance, which is, uh, you know, they're writing the notes and doing acts of service for your family. And then this fourth component, the business core for component is to learn into leverage.
[00:11:28] And so each morning, um, What we propose is that you read or listen to an audio book or listen to a podcast, listen to something specific that it's not a fiction book. It's not, um, it's not just mindless. It's specific in an area of life that you need to grow in. So again, whether you own a company, work for a company, no matter what industry you're in, there's something that you can learn.
[00:11:55] So maybe you're learning about leadership. Maybe. You're learning about [00:12:00] sales or marketing, working with people, fulfillment, accounting, legal, you know, there's just so much to continue to learn and having a learner's mindset there. There's the saying leaders are learners and learning is a lifelong endeavor that should never end.
[00:12:17] I mean, when I'm 60 years old, 70 years old, 80 years old, I will still be learning and improving who I am because I know that I have not reached my full potential. And I know that there is. If I can continue to learn and continue to grow, I'm going to be able to impact more people in a positive way, and that's never going to end, no matter how old I am, no matter what stage of life I'm in, there's always something else I can learn and always someone else I can serve.
[00:12:43] And a big part of the season of life I'm in right now. is through business. And so each morning you want to to choose something or choose a book, choose an audio that is relevant and meaningful to the work that you do in [00:13:00] an area of your profession that you need to improve in. Okay, so what are some areas that you could really dive into the first area I'm going to call power and power is really about your perspective as a producer.
[00:13:16] This is leveling up your mindset. This is about your ability to be a leader. This is about, you know, how you look at the world. And in the capacity you have, you may need to learn something about fitness and fitness is the thing keeping you from showing up with more clarity and presence and at work, you may need to actually learn something about being a better husband or father because that's the thing that's keeping you from showing up in the business world.
[00:13:43] with more capacity and more ability. So sometimes the thing you're learning is not necessarily tied to the thing you're doing, but it still has a an equally important or powerful impact. The next area you could look at is production. So this is about how you actually make money. This is [00:14:00] marketing, sales, fulfillment, advertising.
[00:14:03] This is about the skill set that you have. Related to the job that you perform. So the second area is, is production. The next is profit. So the interesting thing that I learned about business is just because you make a sale does not mean that you make a profit. It's really important to understand the metrics and.
[00:14:23] The optics around business and how do you look at the numbers? And are you making a good margin on the work that you do? Do you have systems in place? Do you have the right people doing the right things at the right time? And how do you how do you determine that? So Anything related to not just making money, but actually keeping the money that you make through profit, uh, because it's the profits that allow you to reinvest into your people that allow you to reinvest in your community or into the business and keep moving forward.
[00:14:55] And then the final thing, and I think this is probably the most overlooked, [00:15:00] especially for business owners, is protection. And what I mean by protection is if you don't take necessary steps to protect what you have built, what you build will be taken. So this can be learning and improving and growing in terms of your understanding of the legal impacts around your business.
[00:15:19] This could be accounting, finance, taxes, HR. How you protect your money through LLCs, through trusts, like there is just so much around actually protecting what you build and making sure that that you're not going to be just putting yourself in a position of liability unnecessarily. And so that's a whole side of business that, that so many people don't even consider when they're, when they're just getting started, when they're trying to run a business, trying to pay the bills and protecting what they've built can sometimes be the last thing on their mind.
[00:15:58] So those are four [00:16:00] really powerful areas. The power and that's really about your capacity and ability to show up as a leader or producer. The next is production, like your ability to make money, profit, your ability to keep the money and then protections, your ability to make sure that that you're protecting what you have built.
[00:16:20] And we're not
[00:16:20] Tanner: saying that you have to be an expert in every one of these areas, but you need to educate yourself enough to maybe reach out to an expert so that you have an intelligent
[00:16:30] Franklin: conversation with them. Yeah. Be able to at least keep up with the conversation. You know, this is not a substitute for professionals and for experts within different areas.
[00:16:40] We have accountants, we have attorneys, we have you know, specific people. I mean, I have marketing teams outside of this company that help us make sure that we're doing everything right on that end. But I need to be educated enough to keep up with the conversation and, and add value to those conversations too.
[00:16:58] So we got
[00:16:58] Tanner: power production, [00:17:00] profit and protection. I feel like there's an endless amount of. Books and videos and things that you can educate yourself on those four areas. And you can just pick one each day
[00:17:10] Franklin: and go from there. And so you, you pick one of those areas you read or you learn until you find something that sparks in your mind and you go, Oh, that is something that I didn't know.
[00:17:23] That is something that I could apply to the business or that I could share with a teammate or that I could use with my next customer that allows me to add more value. And in the critical thing is not to just learn for learning sake, but you take what you learn and you leverage it. You use that as a tool, as a level up in your life in order to accelerate business forward faster and be something that again allows you to.
[00:17:50] Create more value for more people more often and just reach your full potential. But we can't do that if we're not investing in ourselves from a [00:18:00] knowledge standpoint every day. So as we're
[00:18:02] Tanner: starting to wrap up, do you have any quick book recommendations for our listeners?
[00:18:07] Franklin: There are so many from a mindset perspective and just success in general.
[00:18:12] You know, one of the old traditional like, you know, standbys is think and grow rich. I think that's one of the best ones on leadership. You've got Jocko's book, Extreme Ownership. Gosh, there are so many books. I think it's really think of the area, ask yourself in what area do I need to grow? Look at what you're responsible for.
[00:18:33] Look at what your role is and go, you know, what area. Am I lacking and then when you think of that area, then go search for some books and some things are going to pop up and you're going to find the thing that you need in order to grow or just jump on a, you know, search for a podcast around the subject and find something there and that could lead you to a book or two more podcasts with more information.
[00:18:57] But regardless of where you are in [00:19:00] your knowledge base journey, like just think of the thing that you're lacking and if you don't know anything, I would start with leadership. If you don't know where to start, start with leadership, read a book on leadership, John Maxwell's got amazing books, you know, Napoleon Hill's got amazing, but there's just so much out there.
[00:19:17] It's, it's hard to say like where to even start because there's just so much, but it's just really the most important thing is not as much what you read, but that you. Begin the habit, the daily habit of of improving your yourself from a knowledge standpoint and just don't stop. So the
[00:19:35] Tanner: question we'll have you ask yourself is how do I create even more value today?
[00:19:41] Franklin: Yeah, it's just even more value. We all have an ability and an opportunity to just serve the world better every single day. And we should ask ourselves as we head out the door, uh, as we head off into the world to do whatever we do, like, how can I impact and improve the lives of other [00:20:00] people, uh, through my work even more?
[00:20:02] And what do I need to learn? And then what do I need to implement from that learning? In order to achieve that. So that wraps up our series on the core four, wrapping it up with Business. Thank you for joining us today. We hope that this is tremendously valuable and helpful, and also something that's really just very simple and, and we think that sometimes the, the easiest things to do are the easiest things not to do, and so just commit to learning and leveraging things that you need to know.
[00:20:40] We
[00:20:40] Tanner: ask that if you found value in this that you subscribe to the podcast and share with someone that you think would find value in this as
[00:20:49] Franklin: well. If there's a man that you know who would benefit from this, please share it with them. We want to get these messages and these tools and resources out to as many men [00:21:00] as we can so that marriages can be thriving, families can heal.
[00:21:05] So kids have great dads so that wives have great husbands and one man at a time in this world we can make a difference.
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