15. You Are Not Broken with Dr. Daniel Kimbley
Franklin: [00:00:00] Right now, the world needs great men who will stand up and lead with honor, serve with purpose, and courageously fulfill their God given roles and responsibilities as husbands, fathers, leaders, and men. It's time we see more men thrive, marriages filled with passion, and families that flourish. So whether you're a man struggling to figure it all out, or an awesome husband and dad looking for the next level, you've come to the right place.
We're your hosts, Franklin Swan and Tanner Hayes, bringing you practical, applicable tools and strategies you can use every day to build yourself into the man God is calling you to be. This is The World Needs Men. Let's go. All right, welcome back to The World Needs Men podcast. [00:01:00] I'm your host today, Franklin Swan, along with my partner, Tanner Hayes, and we are excited to announce Dr.
Daniel Kimbley, our guest today, chiropractor from Dana Point California and Daniel, welcome to the show. We're, we're excited to have you here today.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah, thank you guys so much for having me always honor when I get to do this stuff and I love it. So just super grateful to, to be a part and for you guys even thinking me in the first place.
So appreciate you having me here.
Franklin: Absolutely. Well, why don't you just start off and give us a little bit of background on who you are and kind of what you do. That's a little bit different. and just share your
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: story for sure. So I am a, I would say brain based or neurologically based chiropractor. I practice in Dana Point, California, which is right on the beach.
Nobody knows where it's at, but just south of Laguna Beach. And I've been here in Dana Point for six years. I grew up in a small town in Indiana, suburb of Indianapolis, Indiana. I taught high school English there, coached volleyball there. I was an avid coordinator while I was teaching at the [00:02:00] school, got offered a job into administration.
The next day I quit, moved to Georgia, got my doctorate of chiropractic and then moved out to California. So that's the, that's a very long story short, lots of stuff about the brain along the way that we'll jump into on this episode, but that's, that's who I am. That's where I came from. I'm married. My wife, Heather, we've been married for almost 10 years, it'd be 10 years in June.
And then we have a four year old daughter, Cocoa as well.
Franklin: That's awesome. So talking about brain based chiropractic, that's probably a new concept for the for the listeners on the show. So why don't we start off and just kind of explain what do you mean by brain based chiropractic and how does that differ from what people probably traditionally hold in their mind is chiropractic care.
Yeah, that's
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: great question. So when I say brain based chiropractic care, you know, there's a, there's a culture of tick tock and Instagram and Facebook where we see this like pop and cracking both sides of the next get popped neck gets popped and cracked. And so what we do when we think about chiropractic care, the way [00:03:00] that I do, and obviously Dr.
Tanner does well, is we're looking at how is stress. And lack of movement of the joints of the spine negatively affecting brain function. And so I take that one step further in my office where what we look for is where someone has an imbalance in their brain from the left side to the right side. And so if we don't correct that balance in the brain, then we will never really correct the cause of what they have going on in the first place.
So a simple example of this would be. Like if somebody goes to a, let's just say a massage therapist, I'm kind of making this up on the ball on the fly. Somebody goes to a massage therapist, they say, Oh, you have really tight hamstrings. They rub out their hamstrings, but the brain tells the hamstrings to be tight.
Or relaxed. And so if we don't address how the brain is talking to the rest of the body, then we'll miss trying to chase symptom after symptom after symptom. And really, it all starts in the brain and how stress and stress hormones negatively affect the [00:04:00] brain. So that's really the nature of brain based chiropractic is figuring out what's happening in the brain.
And then what do we do with the brain via the adjustments that we do as chiropractors to create that balance again.
Franklin: So how does that tie into the nervous system? Because the nervous system is kind of the thing to along with the brain that governs our body and how we function. And I think, again, there's a lack of understanding of how all this stuff is connected, but maybe kind of dive into that as
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: well.
Yeah. So I have a tendency to go really nerdy sciency. So if I get too far down the rabbit hole, just pull me out. So we know that when we talk about the nervous system, if we're talking about central nervous system, we're talking about brain and spinal cord, everything else will be peripheral nervous system, which is all the nerves that like, if we hit our funny bone, that's the peripheral nervous system.
So, When I say nervous system, you can really just think central nervous system. So brain and spinal cord. And what we know is that the brain gets 90 percent of its nutrition and stimulation from movement of the joints of the spine. So this is a guy won a Nobel prize for [00:05:00] this in the eighties for finding this.
His name's Roger Sperry and he's a neurobiologist. So if we look at what the spinal Joints and the muscles that surround the spine directly. They're actually more proprioceptors, meaning they sense movement more so than they are actual muscles. Like we would think of like a bicep or a quad or something like that.
So if we have lack of movement of the joints of the spine. We get this lack of information that goes to the brain. And if you think of your brain like a muscle, if it gets less of a workout, it's going to function less. So when we see people who have, it could be pain, it could be brain fog. It could be lack of motivation.
It could be low testosterone. It could be skin issues, digestive issues, lack of sleep. I can name any symptom you could think of. And we can always relate that directly back to the stress response. So the science term for this. is that if the brain doesn't get fed information, well, it's called dis afferentation, which just means how info is sent up to the brain.
So we're always looking at brain based kairos is like that link to the nervous system [00:06:00] is movement of the joints of the spine. And we know that 90 percent of the brain's nutrition comes from movement of the joints of the spine. So if we have bad movement, we're going to have bad output. We're going to have worse thoughts.
We're going to have worse posture. We're going to have worse. Basically everything you can think of and I can talk about that part of the brain if you guys want me to as well I'll say go for it Yeah. So when I talk about this disapparentation, right, or the adjustments that we do as chiropractors, and again, this is slightly different than the popping cracking because the speed matters, but I won't get into necessarily like chiropractic.
So we know we have two branches of our nervous system. We have a fight or flight or a stress branch, and then we have a rest and digest or a healing branch. We can't be in both at the same time. So If we drive our car with a foot on gas pedal and brake pedal, we're literally going to wear out the brakes.
We're going to run out of gas. We're going to break down the transmission. Everything kind of breaks down. You guys get that analogy, right? So what we're looking at is if the brain is stuck in a fight or flight state, then the body's going to function less [00:07:00] than, and here's why. Stress hormones turn off our front part of our brain.
Our front part of our brain is responsible for grit. For willpower, for determination, for curiosity, for it's our emotional intelligence. It's being able to set a long term goal, but then do the short term steps to stick with it so we can hit it later in the future. It's our motivation. It's our sex drive.
It's what turns off pain in the body. It controls our digestion. Basically anything you would think of successful human being is having skill wise. That's all housed in the front part of the brain. That gets shut off by stress hormones. So the trick is, is that if you think of this idea of fight or flight, when we were cavemen, we were designed to fight or run away every time a stress came at us.
So think of, we have a saber tooth tiger. We need to either kill it or we need to run away from it. The fighting and running away requires lots of movement. But now we sit at our computers. We sit on our cell phone. We barely move every time we have a stress. Franklin, I love what you were sharing before we [00:08:00] started.
You're talking about dude, just shaving. You could see on your whoop that your heart rate would shoot up. So you were having a fight or flight response and you're, you're triggering it with your own thoughts. before you ever even stepped into the office for the day. So I share that because we're constantly triggering these fight or flight responses, but we never fight or run away.
And the brain just says, let's leak more stress hormones and protect. And those stress hormones turn off our part of the brain that's responsible for success in the first place. So long grab a hole. I could go further, but we'll just keep it there for right now.
Franklin: Let me just share. So the listeners can understand that the story.
So, And I've shared some of this before, but there were two real things that highlight the experience I was having. Number one, I was in a space a few years ago where I would bring four or five undershirts to work every single day because I had so much anxiety and stress that my body was unable to process and deal with that I would sweat all day and I would have to change out of my undershirts, you know, every couple of hours so that no one saw [00:09:00] giant sweat marks going down my shirt.
And and I know that inside my body was just burning down. And then one day, this is a couple years ago before I started working with Tanner, I was shaving one day before work and I wore a whoop that tracks heart rate and whatnot during the day. And after I got through getting dressed, it notified me that I had just logged a workout and so that's weird.
What's going on? So I, I pulled up the stats and. I noticed that about 7 30, right about the time I was shaving, all of a sudden, my heart rate jumped to 1 70 170 beats a minute. It sustained that for 20 plus minutes and then fell off all while the only thing I was doing was shaving, showering, getting dressed.
And during that time, my heart was racing like I was sprinting down the road and that just blew my mind. And so I started to really get curious. Mhm. The next day I started, I got really, uh, made sure that I could see [00:10:00] exact moment when things happen. And the minute I picked up my razor the next day and started to shave, I saw the real time data just go through the roof.
And all of those things were just this symptom of a nervous system that was stuck in fight or flight. And because The nervous, my nervous system wasn't healthy. I didn't have the ability to process the stress that I was taking on every single day. So for entrepreneurs and high achievers, people that are go, go, go all the time, especially if you're not paying attention to and addressing your nervous system, it can be really difficult to process through and in your body productively deal with the normal day to day stress that we all encounter.
And so yeah. I go into Tanner's office, they do the scans and my, my stress and where I was was just off the charts and so we just started going to work and addressing that and now I find my nervous systems in a place of health and I don't have those [00:11:00] spikes anymore and, and I don't have the sweating issues anymore, but it always a matter of.
Helping my nervous system to just settle down and and be able to to find some health and that took some time. Yeah,
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: that Franklin, that's powerful. I have a question for you. Did you, would you have said back then, like when those days when you're shaving and your heart rate would spike up, would you have said like, Oh yeah, I'm super stressed out.
Franklin: You know, I think one of the things for a an entrepreneur or a high achiever, I think we are so used to being under so much pressure and stress. We don't realize how much there is. I actually thought that I was maybe going to have a heart attack. I literally went and saw like a cardiologist and they had me do all this stuff.
And it's like, well, no, your heart's perfectly fine. I didn't realize that it was my nervous system preparing my body for going into the office and what it perceived to be the saber tooth, the modern day saber tooth tiger, which was my company.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah. So this is like an important distinction that I feel like I'm starting to get better at [00:12:00] articulating to people.
Cause every day in my office, I'm asking like, Hey, are you like people come in and they'll be like, dude, my back just started hurting. I was just getting the groceries out. I must've tweaked it. And I'm like, no, you have more stress. So 99%, especially like you said, the high achievers. What I'm starting to realize is like, we don't even realize when we're stressed out and when we're not.
And the definition of stress, I think should change. And that's one of, one of the things that I'm really passionate about because Every time we have a stress, it doesn't matter what it is, right? So the thought of going into the office in the morning or, Oh my gosh, I have to do this, this and this today.
Or I got to write this big check for rent or for taxes or for payroll. I got to deal with this conversation with one of my team members. That's all stress. Like some of it's good. I'm, you know, looking at some of these studies where they talk about traumatic stress. One of the things that shows up on there is marriage and it's, nobody would ever be like, Oh, I'm stressed out because I'm getting married.
But think about Tanner. I don't know if you're married, but. Like the wedding day, you literally have that feeling in your stomach, like the [00:13:00] exact same stress response. So even something as good as that is still a stress and we're designed to fight a run away in every one of those. And if we don't, our brain will stay and protect and then it will start to look for like, what's the next scary thing?
Where's the next scary thing? And that's where we get all jacked up where we don't even realize like what stress actually is. And Franklin, you said it perfectly, man. It's like stress is just pressure on the system. So that includes working out. Right. That includes looking at blue light on a computer or a cell phone screen.
All of those things trigger stresses that we don't even think about. And when we stack them over time, that's where we kind of get what you were talking about is like my heart rates through the roof, dude, I'm changing shirts multiple times a day because I'm so sweaty. And when we regulate and the body goes, we wake up the brain.
And because Tanner's an amazing chiropractor, it's like we wake up the brain and the brain goes, Oh, we don't need to be in fight or flight. Let's go into rest and digest and let's stay there. It'd be the same. If the saber to tiger, if we killed it, we see it. And we're like, that thing's dead back into rest and digest.
But we have a lot of movement in that moment. Or we run away. And [00:14:00] then when we get far enough away, our brains, no more threat. Now let's go back into rest and digest. So the adjustment, when we're chiropractors and moving joints of the spine, we're literally waking up the brain so the brain can stop and go, Oh my gosh, there's actually nothing to stress out about.
Let's go back into. that parasympathetic, that healing, that rest and digest mode. I
Franklin: think too, the thing to realize if our bodies aren't in a healthy place and our nervous system is not in a healthy place where it can process that stress out, all we do is hold it in. And it takes time to get there. Like that all didn't happen overnight.
It happened, you know, a little bit at a time, just building up, building up, building up until Tanner, as you were explaining, it kind of spills over if our nervous system is a bucket. We fill that bucket up with all the stress and the trauma and the toxins that you were talking about that then all of a sudden show up as a heart rate that's, you know, through the roof, sweating that's That's profuse and maladaptive, really.
And so the reason, especially for [00:15:00] people, everyone's under stress. You don't have to be an entrepreneur to be under stress. And I think that stress almost in our modern age is almost a badge of honor, too. Oh, man, I'm so stressed out. I'm so busy. I've got so much going on. And, and that's That's kind of a default, you know, box that we feel like we have to check, but we don't realize how catastrophic that is to our lives.
And if our nervous system's burning down and in a place of deficit, we're not going to have the capacity, the presence to be able to show up as present fathers and husbands and be able to make good decisions in the business and be able to interact and enjoy life and just have joy to begin with. So it really is such a foundational thing, and I don't think most people understand it that way.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: 100%. It's so good, man. There's so much in it. I love the bucket analogy. The other one I use with people is like, we always hear, Oh, is the straw that broke the camel's back? But I think if we really think about that, and what that means is like, There were, it wasn't just somebody dropped a hay bale on the camel's back and it [00:16:00] collapsed, right?
It was like, we're adding one tiny straw at a time until we get that. It just becomes too much weight that the camel collapses. So it's like the same idea of the overflow, right? It's that it's the stuff that stacks up over time that we don't deal with that creates. The issue, and it does that stress.
Those stress hormones are by design turn off our part of our brain that's responsible for a connection to other people. Think about it like this. If I was going to make the decision to kill a saber to tiger, if we were cavemen, very irrational decision. So when a dad, I sit with a dad and he's like, don't care.
I just need to work and make money for the fam. And my wife can figure the rest of it out. My kids like they're fine. Cause mom's there. They can figure the rest of it out. And then we get these dads who are like, dude, I realized I should be taking my kid to school every day. I should be like, I should just shut off work and I can, I can actually make the decision to shut off work, to be present with my wife and kids as a total, total shift in literally the physiology of how the brain's functioning, which is what I [00:17:00] get excited about because then that spillover is like, how's mom going to show up differently?
How are the kids going to show up differently? Whether they have chiropractic care or not.
Franklin: So we keep talking about stress. Tanner, I'd love to hear your, uh, you kind of go in because I think we hear stress, but do we really understand what it is, right? I mean, we feel it. We know that term, but linking up those three things that we were discussing earlier so that maybe we help listeners understand better what we mean by stress.
Because I think said in a different way, it may be become more more. Uh, relatable to our day to day lives.
Tanner: Yeah, and stress for us in chiropractic breaks down into the, what we call the three T's and that's thoughts, toxins and trauma. So thoughts being like the emotional type stress that Dr. Daniel is talking about, but also mental.
Yeah. Chemical stress being the toxins, you know, what we're putting in our body is also having an effect and then the traumas can break down into macro trauma. Like you've gotten a car wreck, [00:18:00] fell down a flight of stairs or the micro trauma being the daily repetitive stuff, the way we sit at our desk, the way we drive in our car, all those things that we know are not great for us, but are kind of a fact of our modern life that are constantly applying more and more stress
Franklin: on our system.
So you have stress from toxins, from trauma, and from thoughts. And if you don't have a way of processing that trauma out, then your body just holds on to it, builds over time, and then shows up in maladaptive ways that interfere with your ability to be an expression in life and actually show up Just enjoy living.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah, a hundred
Tanner: percent. Daniel, don't you wish every patient was like this in these types of terms?
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Dude, that's what, I mean, it's a, it's a testament to you because you like, there's just so many people who think chiropractic is one thing, neck pain, back pain, headaches. And while we could be great for that, dude, this [00:19:00] is about something that's so much greater of having dads who are more present, having moms who are more present, having people who can just show up differently in life.
Yeah. I mean, it's just, this is, this is how every. Every person who has chiropractic care should think about it. And obviously Franklin gets it and he's a producer and he's seen the benefits in his own life of, Oh, this is what's possible. That potential was already in him, like already a baller of a business owner.
But then we unlock a whole nother level when we get stress turned off and we start waking up that front part of the brain in a different way, which is super cool. You know,
Franklin: I think about this idea of thriving, which if you asked anyone, hey, would you like to thrive in your life? I think the typical answer would be yes, that sounds pretty nice.
But realizing that if, if our nervous system is unhealthy, there's, there's truly no ability to truly thrive and we won't know it. We, you asked the earlier, did you feel stressed? Did you, did you know you were in that space? You don't know you're [00:20:00] thriving until you are thriving, but you also don't know you're not thriving when you're not.
And so I guess where I'm going with that, just realizing like this, this isn't a. an optional thing in my mind when it comes to living and expressing our lives at the highest level. This is this is a foundational component of of being able to be a healthy
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: human being. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. I'll give a case study to that.
So I love my time off between Christmas and new year's day. And there's always a week where we literally don't see anybody, but there's just one guy is that coming to top of mind, huge real estate guy. Like he's doing 25 to 50 million homes here. So like very, I mean, these are massive houses, right. And working with a very, very elite.
But there's also a lot of stress with that, like foreign buyers. And there's a lot of stuff that he deals with on a day to day basis. So that week that he was gone, he comes in like the Tuesday when we're back. And he goes, man, I've been coming here for a year. And he's like, I really haven't missed a week.
Like [00:21:00] I've been on. And he said the week off, he's like, I was sore after my workouts. I didn't feel like I was recovering as well. He's like, I felt a little bit more brain fog. And he's like, I didn't even realize like how much I had gained by being here. Until we started working with his brain and he had seen other kairos and stuff like that before but it's it truly is that that's thriving, you know, and it's so it's so subtle.
It's a difference between 90 and 100%. And it's just, that's how we were designed to function. That's the coolest part of it. It's like we all have it, we just have to access it. And the best way I know of to access it is through you. Neurologically brain brain based chiropractic care.
Tanner: I love it. Just last week, a good friend of mine that I've been seeing for quite a while, we actually weren't able to see him for a couple weeks.
He had missed a few appointments. He said, Hey, I want to show you something. He pulls out his phone and pulls up his sleep tracker. And he's like, Here was when I was getting adjusted. Here's the two weeks where I missed. And it went from very consistent, really healthy to very chaotic off. And [00:22:00] then we saw him for a week and saw the new week after being adjusted and it was right back to where it was prior.
And so I love being able to use objective measures like that and technology. And we use scans in our office. I'm not sure if you do in yours, but I love being able to show people like Franklin, you know, On the screen, you know, sometimes they're feeling the symptoms, but we can show it objectively
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: as well.
One of the, like, it's a sad story, but it's super cool at the same time. So we had a family recently who lost their 17 year old daughter. And while it was, like, I mean, impossible to imagine or, like, put yourself in their shoes, right? We asked them, we're like, Hey, you guys have reexams. This was like the week after she had passed away.
We're like, Hey, you guys have reexams, but like happy to put it off. We don't, you know what I mean? Like you guys are so processing and mind you, they had been like, literally the day after she passed away, they're in the office getting adjusted. And she's, I don't know what else I would do. I have to do this to regulate my nervous system.
She's like, I'm under so much stress and [00:23:00] we take care of the whole fam. But the cool part, we do the scan with them and both of their scans. are better than when they started with us. And so even something as traumatic as losing a family member, losing a loved one, like we can still see the regulation in their nervous system as much, much higher.
And that goes back to what Franklin said is we're literally growing the bucket and the capacity. So that thing doesn't overflow. And while it's, I know that's a hard, like tough story and kind of morbid to share, it's just, this is, that's the reality of how our nervous systems are designed to function and it's possible for anybody.
It doesn't matter who they are.
Franklin: So can you take us through to maybe position this a little bit differently, kind of your framework of explaining and connecting the chiropractic through all the way to, you know, the. The posture all the way to the profit and what, what you mean by, uh, by the framework that you kind of teach
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: from.
Yeah, absolutely. So it's funny. I had this conversation yesterday and it's pretty rare because usually people show up and they're like, my neck hurts and my back hurts. And we [00:24:00] had this mom, we've been taking care of her son and she's like, I don't really know, I just feel like it might be the right thing.
So our conversation is four P's, which are posture, presence, productivity, profit. So before I get into those, I think it's just important to remind you that. When we're talking about the front part of the brain, that frontal cortex is the part of the brain that's responsible for your posture, for your presence, for your productivity, for your profit, as well as grit, willpower, determination, all this stuff I shared before.
So literally you can't be a successful human being unless you have a highly functioning front part of your brain. So what I tell people is like posture is a direct indicator of brain function. So front part of your brain in fight or flight puts us in a fight or flight posture. No one fights like this, or if they do, it just doesn't make sense.
Our brains are designed to put us here when there is a threat. So we'll literally negatively affect our posture. So I, you know, I love, um, some of the people I work with, I'm like, Hey dude, when you're in these [00:25:00] business meetings or in these sales calls, like just look at somebody's posture. If their posture sucks, that means their brain isn't functioning as well.
Then you probably have like a better frame. So, and I use that, I know it sounds silly, but. Posture controlled by front part of the brain, that front part of the brain. So if we have a weak posture that will lead to decrease in presence, because remember same frontal cortex that controls our posture, controls our ability to be present.
Think about if there was something that was going to attack you. And you didn't kill it. Your natural state is going to be like, Oh my gosh, where's that? I'm going to be on alert for the next thing. Our stress hormones are designed to do that. So I said, you know, we sit with people who are like, dude, I have ADD.
I can't get any one thing done. I jumped from task to task to task. It's like, yeah, because your stress hormones are making you do that. It's your body's normal response to stress. So if we can turn off the stress. We start to get people who are more present, who can be in the moment. And that's what like my favorite presence conversations are the ones where dads are like, dude, before I started coming to you, I was like thinking about work and thinking [00:26:00] about what tomorrow was going to be like, and my kids are playing and I didn't even really want to connect with them or my wife.
And then I would go to bed and do it all over again. And I would have to have a couple of drinks, just like numb myself to be able to connect with them. And they're like, all that stuff goes away because we wake up that part of the brain that's responsible for being present. But if you're present at work and you're present with your family, you're much more likely to get some shit done, which would lead to productivity.
So we get more done in the same amount of time, again, growing that capacity that we talked about before that leads to profit. So yes. I work with entrepreneurs who are like, dude, I just want to make more money. One of my favorite stories is Nick Long. He's dude, if I can make a million dollars in a day, that would be awesome.
And he did it like four weeks after he was under care with us, which is super cool. And it's like, obviously Nick works his butt off, so I'm not taking that away from him, but he'll also say like, dude, different after being adjusted consistently. So yeah, we can help entrepreneurs make more money, but, and that's a part of that productivity profit.
But really what it comes down to, uh, Franklin, like you said, is thriving, man. And it's that [00:27:00] profiting from life experience. Being able to go all in and play with my kids, being able to throw a football with my kids again, being able to connect with my wife again, and like profit from all the stuff that we have around us that a lot of times we just take for granted if we don't have a healthy functioning brain.
Franklin: That's an awesome way of describing that. That's not in your typical chiropractor office.
Tanner: I'm still in that. I'm gonna add it to my better results faster workshop.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: I mean, dude, it's so important. It's so true. And you, when you see it, I mean, Dr. Tanner, you know, man, like, we see this time and time and time and time again with moms, with dads, with kids, and it's like, whatever people think about chiropractic, dude, it's something so much more than TikTok with just the Crunching that looks cool.
Franklin: How do you get past the preconceived notions or someone listening to this going, you know, this sounds pretty woo woo to me or, you know, this can't be real. It sounds new agey or what, you know, [00:28:00] whatever they're the story they would tell themselves around it. Like, how do you explain someone who is skeptical or doubts or just doesn't really understand this, this concept.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah. I mean, there's only, in my opinion, there's really only one way to win at the conversation and it's to figure out how to meet them where they are and then give them a possibility of where they could go. through just sharing case studies, you know, so like I, as much as I love to go, I can talk about the science all day long.
We can talk about the prefrontal cortex and the stress response and increased heart rate, blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, increased insulin resistance. Like I could run that all day, but really nobody cares. What it comes down to is like people seeing a different possibility for their lives.
So for me, I'm like, Hey, here's some stories of people who have experienced what you're looking to experience or experiencing what you have going on now and where we got them to. And if you're in, you're in. And if you're not like Just continue to be stubborn and then [00:29:00] wonder why you're not getting the results you want, you know?
And a lot of times I think it just comes down to this idea that like, you're either going to pay for it now or you're going to pay for it later, right? So yeah, maybe it sucks. Like it might be expensive. Chiropractic might be expensive. So it's some other stuff, but it's, or would you rather pay for that and function Franklin, how you are now, or go 10 years down the road, 15 years down the road, when you have a heart issue and pay for it then.
And that's really the conversation that we kind of have. It's like, I don't want to convince anybody because it's how God designed our bodies. And I think a distinction, I know I might kind of ramble it on, but a distinction of all this is like what you were experiencing when you were sweaty and your heart rate would go up when you're shaving.
That's a normal response to an abnormal amount of stress. God gave your body the ability to do that. It's not, you weren't broken. And I, if we could just get people to understand that, like whatever they're experiencing, they're actually not broken. It's their body's normal response to an abnormal amount of stress.
And if we can get them to adapt differently. That crappy [00:30:00] response with the pain or the headaches or the brain fog or the lack of presence or the E. D. Or whatever it is, that stuff will go away. It has to because that's how our bodies were designed. That
Franklin: brings up such a, I think, important point in my mind that It's easy to believe when you're in a space where you're not healthy or things aren't working to think that you're the anomaly, that you're the only one experiencing this, that no one else is dealing with this, no one else feels this way, but to realize you're pretty normal, like you're, it's a normal response to an abnormal, as you say, it.
Level of stress and to realize there's there's nothing really wrong with you. It's just that most of us weren't taught this. Most people don't even know this kind of stuff exists and that it's a possibility depending on where you live. You may or may not have access to it, but just realizing there's there's nothing wrong with us.
We're not alone. It's just a matter of more work that needs to be done. No different than if you want your Physical body to be healthy. Then you have to [00:31:00] eat right and go to the gym. If you want your nervous system to be healthy, and we're not even taught to consider our nervous system. But if it if you wanted to be healthy, you have to do certain practices consistently over time in order to restore the health that it needs.
It's no different than anything else in life. It takes time and intention and a plan around it. But, you know, just to get out of this mindset that there must just be something wrong with me because that's what I thought. I thought, I just, there just must be something messed up with me personally and, and there wasn't anything wrong.
I just hadn't learned that this was an option and a tool and a resource.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah. Yeah. I sat, I had a conversation with a new client yesterday and he's been all over the place. I won't give all the details of his story, but dude, he's seen a lot of people and I sit down with him and I'm like, everybody else is telling you that you're broken and that they can fix you.
And I'm like, bro, I don't need to fix you because your body's doing exactly what it was designed to do to stay safe and protected because it thinks it's going to get attacked all day [00:32:00] long. And so he's like, you're the first person who's ever given me hope. You're the first person who's ever told me there's not something wrong with me.
And then I explained it to him like this. I'm like, dude, if there was a fire in the building, that annoying thing is the smoke detector going off like we wouldn't just go over and pull out the battery in the smoke detector and be like, oh, you're all fixed, which is what everybody else is trying to do.
Like, we're literally addressing the fire that's inside of each person and it all starts in the brain with those stress hormones.
Franklin: That's such an awesome, awesome concept. And. And it should give men hope because I think that and it should, I should say men, it should give anybody hope that is dealing with stress and hasn't considered this yet and maybe not even aware of it and realizing that in order for us to find health, we need all these different areas of our lives.
We need our minds to be healthy in the way that we think we need our bodies to be healthy. We need our emotional health. All right. And in the nervous system just ties into [00:33:00] all of that. And in the nervous system, I think is a big key to To unlocking that and allowing us to experience that health and restoration, talk a bit about the idea of, I mean, you've got everything nowadays from cold plunging to, to, you know, sleep and what should I should eat and but there's a hierarchy of impact and importance that I think is really important in understanding where chiropractic sits in that as it relates to our, our nervous system health and our brain function.
how everything else isn't necessarily that it's wrong or not useful, but It's either more useful or less useful based on where the nervous system sits today. Yeah. A hundred
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: percent. So I, you know, I always go the route of, I can tell a million stories just because that's kind of how I roll. But like we get ripped six pack CrossFitter comes into us multiple of them all the time.
They're like, dude, I don't know how you could help. Like my friend just said I should come here, but I don't really [00:34:00] have anything wrong. And like these dudes that start care, they literally start PR ing every single lift at the, at the gym. And they're like, how is this possible? I haven't changed my nutrition.
I haven't worked out harder. And I'm like, Yeah, dude, your nervous system is firing better. So, you know, you think of, so we talk about we, I call it the production pyramid in my office. And so we start, if you start at the top, the tip top, which is the smallest piece of least important are going to be the hacks, right?
So like cold plunge, red light, dude, you name cryo, you name it. So not saying those aren't beneficial. But if you're trying to hack your body a lot, like the reality is getting in a cold punch triggers a stress response in your system. So you're actually, if you're already stressed out and you don't have tools within your brain, your front part of your brain and have a capacity to deal with stress, you're going to burn yourself out worse.
Even though it might feel good for a minute. So it's like, those hacks are great, but you have to have some more foundational pieces. I see a lot of people. So the next rung down from that would be movement. So like exercise, and I know this sounds crazy. That exercise would be that unimportant. But [00:35:00] like most people come in, they're like, dude, I'm doing the red light and I'm doing cold plunge and I'm working out and I'm like, yeah, but she's like trash.
You sleep like trash. All your relationships suck. Uh, you have no connection to God and your nervous system's not functioning well. So you're not going to recover well after your workouts and that's not going to allow the supplement that, you know, the hack. Routine to work as well. So next rung down from movement is nutrition.
And so again, I think a lot of people are like, dude, I eat clean. I work out and I do my hacks, whatever they are. The trick though, when I think about this, I'm like, okay. If you're eating clean, but your body's in fight or flight, the opposite of fight or flight is rest and digest keyword digest. So stress actually turns off the digestive system.
And we take that blood because we don't need to digest food. We want to have energy to be able to fight or run away. We actually turn off our digestive system. So if you're eating clean, but your body's still stressed out, you may not absorb any of those nutrients. And this is Dr. Tanner. I'm sure you've seen, do you have [00:36:00] people who are, I'm a thousand bucks of supplements a month and nothing has changed.
And I'm like, yeah, because you've not digesting any of it. because your system is so, so stressed out. So nutrition is number three. Then underneath that, we have relationships. So Harvard did this study where they looked at what's a number one, and this is in men too, not in women, uh, number one indicator of longevity.
The only thing that they could attribute to longevity and men who had the healthiest, most fulfilling lives was Close relationships with other people. Not a bunch of them, but just the proximity and closeness of a few healthy relationships. So then underneath that, and again, think about what I say, emotional intelligence is controlled by front part of the brain, front part of the brain turned off by stress hormones.
So if we're stressed out, our body's stuck in fight or flight. We're going to connect less emotionally. We're not going to digest as well. We're not going to recover after workouts as well. We're not going to absorb our supplements as well, or we're going to stress our system out more with the hacks and the supplements.
So next rung down from that is sleep [00:37:00] and meditation or prayer, depending on what you want to call it at this point in my life, for sure prayer now, but like having a connection to God. And being able to sleep well, but Dr. Tanner shared just a second ago, have this guy stop getting adjusted. Sleep went to crap.
The reason that happens is because our fight or flight hormones are designed to keep us awake and keep us alert. And then if you think about front part of the brain functions, one of them is faith, hope, and optimism. So to have faith in the first place to feel connected to God, you literally have to have a healthy functioning front part of the brain, which is turned off by the stress hormones.
And then the foundation of the pyramid. is in my opinion, brain based chiropractic care, because if we have a healthy firing frontal cortex, we're going to ultimately be able to have more faith, hope, optimism. We're going to sleep better. As Dr. Tanner shared his case study, then we get into, we're going to have better emotional intelligence.
We're going to make better decisions. We're going to feel more connected to the people around us in our lives. We're going to absorb our nutrients better. We're going to recover better after our workouts. And then that's [00:38:00] what will actually allow. Yeah. supplements and the hacks to work the way they were intended to in the first place.
So long story, but that's the production pyramid, brain based Cairo foundation, because if the brain's not functioning well, none of it will work as well as it could.
Tanner: So good. So you're saying that we can save hundreds and hundreds on all these hacks and supplements by starting at the foundation and then working our
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: way up.
Yeah. And dude, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with, I have a cold punch in my house. I cold punched 30 minutes before I got on this podcast, but I also get adjusted multiple times a week. My family gets adjusted multiple times a week. We make it a point to pray every single day and connect with God every single day.
We make it a point to have healthy relationships. Like we don't watch TV at the night. My wife and I just have conversations. So like we're addressing all the things and that's what allows it for the cold punch to actually be valuable and worthwhile. So yeah, a hundred percent.
Tanner: Really what you're saying is the, the order is really what's important.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah, exactly.
Franklin: Yeah, sequencing is [00:39:00] something that I don't think we think about very often and that there is a sequence. You can't just throw all of those things into a bucket and then be of equal importance. It's not that any of them in in one way or any more important than the other. But the order that they come in is critical.
You have to start in the right place and then progress your way forward in a way that makes sense. And when you explain that and work your way backwards, I mean, that, that makes, that makes it really clear how it's all connected.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yep, for sure. I have a, I have a close friend of mine who he was on prescribed centroid.
So Dr. Tanner, you know, in school we learned that once you get on it, you don't really come off of it, but he was convinced his whole life. He's like, dude, I don't think I have what they think I have, which is Hashimoto's. And he like ripped six pack dude works out well, hacks, good relationship, like lots of money, spiritually connected well.
And we started adjusting him and six weeks, his number, he'd like, they cut his thyroid med in half. Six weeks later, they cut it in half again. Six months later, [00:40:00] he's completely off synthroid. He'd been off for 20 years. And it's like, literally that was a thing that tipped everything else for him. Cause he had been seeking that like his whole life.
And it wasn't, I didn't tell him to get off his medications. It's just when his body started functioning optimally, when he started actually truly thriving, then. Everything else falls into place.
Tanner: I have a patient, this was just last month, I believe. She's 70 years old, overweight, and on two blood pressure medications.
Six weeks into care, they're already, they've already taken her off of one blood pressure medication, and they're like, if this keeps happening, we have to take you off for your second, because it'll be dangerous. And she was like, I have not changed a single thing outside of this. She was like, Does this have anything to do with that?
And so, um, I got to talk to her about that, but that was just one of those. I think you have some of these moments too, probably where you just get blown away with, just go back to the principle of brain based chiropractic care [00:41:00] and how it truly can affect all these different things, even with all these factors that are against her, like extremely sedentary, poor
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: diet, all of these things.
Yeah. And Franklin, you asked a question earlier. You're like, you know, how did you phrase that question? It was for the person who's skeptical, right? I'm like, they think it's woo woo and whatever. So like with the, you know, Tanner's example right there, if you look at physiologically the first action of our catecholamines, which are stress hormones, so adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol, the very first action is increased heart rate, increased blood pressure.
Those are the first two. So like we can literally look at those steps and go, Oh, it, no, it's no wonder as Dr. Tanner's taking care of her, we get her nervous system back and rest and digest that her blood pressure goes down, but they don't want to address the cause. They just want to say like, here's two meds, but if you stop taking them, then your stuff's going to come right back.
Cause it's never fixed in the first place. But I
Franklin: think to that point, I think the number five killer in the U. S. [00:42:00] Right now is heart attack and stroke. I believe so. And most of that is, I mean, there's some health or some physical challenges with that. But how much of that is caused by the accumulation of stress over time.
And then, you know, you think that it all of a sudden just pops out of nowhere. And it's like, no, this person was in a stressed out state for 30 years. And the heart attack was just the natural result of all that time being unhealthy and not having the ability to process it out. And it just got to an overload.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Well, dude, I just, I have a client I've been taking care of very short lived that I've been taking care of him, but he went and got an EKG. Doctor's like, dude, heart's great. Okay. Literally two days later had a heart attack playing hockey. And so it like everybody who knew him would have been like, Oh, he's so healthy.
And I'm like, that's a whole, whole other conversation is like, how do we define health? Cause health really has nothing to do with like how you look and how you feel. The first sign or symptom of heart attack is usually a heart attack. But if you look again, if we look at [00:43:00] like physiology of stress hormones, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, increased cholesterol levels, again, cardiovascular disease.
We look at increased blood sugar, and we look at increased insulin resistance, diabetes. I'm pretty sure that we spend more on diabetes than anything else in the U. S. right now, currently. Not to mention that when we increase blood sugar, we also feed cancer cells because cancer cells feed off sugar. So when you start to look at what are the top killers in the U.
S., the first six steps of the stress response. can account for nearly 95 percent of them, which is crazy to think about.
Franklin: Absolutely. Okay. As we, uh, we're getting kind of close to our time. What I would love to open up cause so you've got your four P's you end with profit. I'd like to take it a step further and go to purpose.
So add a fifth one in there and I would love to just kind of explore and And kind of open people's minds a little bit to this idea of the functioning of your nervous system, the ability of you to be in [00:44:00] your prefrontal cortex, and how healthy that is, and our ability to connect spiritually and connect and to live out our God given purpose in this life.
Which is ultimately I think why we're all here and in how this is not just a let me feel better thing, but it's let me be able to be expressed in this life in the way that God has intended and made possible if I'm functioning at the right level.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah. Well, I'll just share my story because I think that's probably the best place to start.
So I was, I graduated from college, got my secondary English education degree, started teaching high school English and pretty quickly realized that like, while I was good at it, there was a stuff, a bunch of stuff I didn't like about it. So naturally as most guys do, and you know this well, started to numb myself with opiates and was like a weekend thing in the beginning, which then turned into an everyday thing.
So wicked addiction. I just met my wife. [00:45:00] And she had no idea, by the way, she convinced me to go see our Cairo when I was, I was a typical dude, I'm like, dude, I don't know how a chiropractor pop in my back can help me at all. And I started getting adjusted and in the classroom, I started getting very, man, how's the brain learn?
What, what happens in the brain when these kids are like learning stuff? And that led into me starting to teach other teachers, like teaching strategies that I was doing in the classroom. And I had a mentor helping me with this stuff. And then I'm asking Dr. Mike, my chiropractor, I'm like, Hey man, like, why do I have all this passion?
Like that I didn't have before. And I'm more on fire for teaching than ever before. Like, I feel like I'm starting to get this sense of purpose. And like still kind of battling the addiction thing, but like very, very functioning. Right. Nobody would have known. And I'm looking around and like, I'm playing competitive volleyball and I'm seeing like, all my friends are like trading medication and their knees hurt and their backs hurt.
And it just wasn't my thing. And I'm like, Dr. Mike, why is this happening? He's like, dude, it's your brain. And so. I realized I'm like, I have to become a [00:46:00] chiropractor and teach other people this, because the reason that I was miserable teaching had nothing to do with like teaching in and of itself. It's just that God had called me to do something more, but I had to have prerequisite skills in order to step into what I get to do now.
And so, you know, when we talk about passion and we talk about purpose, I truly feel that if I didn't get adjusted. And have chiropractic care as a part of my life for me to step back and look at the decisions I was making with the drugs I was putting in my body to that, like the, the final straw for me was that I'm out of, I was at a friend's house and they're like, Hey, do you want to try heroin?
Like no lie. And this was the moment when I'm like, I have to leave this right now. And a couple months later I was at chiropractic school, but I don't think I would have made that decision to leave if it hadn't been for the chiropractic care that I'd gotten for my whole life. Because I was at least clear enough to be able to say bad decision.
And if the brain gets turned off by stress, we make bad decisions. [00:47:00] Yeah. Do you want to do heroin? That was the, that was the point. And I was like, Nope, left, never talked to them again. And I would say. Probably everybody in that house has passed away at this point. So, you know, there's a God piece to it, but God is like, no, dude, you need to teach people this principle.
So when I talk about purpose, dude, this chiropractic gave me when people are skeptical, I'm like, I literally wouldn't freaking be here. If it weren't for just awakening enough to realize that, like, you're making some dumb decisions that are going to lead you nowhere,
Franklin: man, thinking and connecting that to to my life, I would say if I hadn't gone down this road and been able to find the health that I am.
experiencing today. One, this podcast wouldn't exist. The three of us would not be talking, plain and simple. It wouldn't have allowed me to get to a really healthy place almost a year ago now where I just woke up one day and realized that alcohol had no [00:48:00] place in my life anymore. And I just, I just removed it, you know, and I don't judge it.
It's just it's not a good or bad discussion. I think a better question is, hey, does this serve me? Does this thing serve me to live out my God given role and purpose in this life and serve other people and, and glorify God with the, with the blessing of this, of every day and every breath that he gives me?
And the simple answer was no. And, but if I hadn't found, found a place of health, it's like I couldn't get healthier. And if I wasn't healthier. And so I think that what's To kind of bring this home, realizing that you're literally talking about your God given purpose in this world. And when you, when you find this level of health, you literally open yourself up to the highest level of living that God has for you.
And that the lower level we're stuck, the more we're relying on other people, the more we're stuck in our own mess and misery, the more we're unable [00:49:00] to Love our families and support them and show up for them the way that they need. And but the more that we we rise out of that and the higher level we get, the more we're able to see beyond just our roles beyond just our our our work and in our day to day, but really see, wow, what's that?
What's that in intrinsic thing that I have uniquely been gifted with that I can serve and that I can serve the world with?
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah. And that's why, dude, like when I was teaching, I I stumbled upon this idea that like everybody has the same potential to be successful, but I think it doesn't have to do anything with money.
It has more to do with, are you expressing the purpose that God called you here to express and to bring to the world? And we all have one, just like we all have a fingerprint and that's. I mean, that's it, man. It's like you said it perfectly, dude. Every person has that potential. It's already in them. It's already in them.
It's just when we get stress hormones out of the way, [00:50:00] that's the only way to truly express it in my humble opinion. Yeah. And that's what I
Tanner: love about what you and I get to do is we're helping people express life the way that God intended for them.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Exactly.
Franklin: So someone's hearing this for the first time.
What would be a step that they like to kind of take us through the practical? Okay, I've heard this podcast and I want to explore this something that has been said resonated it. It clicked. I see that. Wow, there's this all I've tried everything and yet I still feel stressed. And that's honestly where a big part of where I was.
It's like I'm doing all the things, but it's still it's not enough. So what gives? And it's, oh, well, here's something I haven't even considered before. So if someone's going to step into it, how would they, you know, I had to contact your office, Daniel, to find Tanner. And so it's, it's not like this is on every street corner.
So just kind of take us through some of the practical, like how would you even find somebody?
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah, this is hard, man. And I hate to like, I never want to step on toes or like talk [00:51:00] bad. There's so many things. So I would say number one is find somebody who is neurologically based, and I would be willing to bet money that if I looked at Tanner's website, somewhere in there, there's brain based neurologically based.
So that's number one is just finding someone who's actually focusing on the brain. Not just the back. And remember the back is just our access point to the brain. So that's like key in all of it. Then from there, I mean, dude, I always tell people like, just reach out to me. We'll help you find somebody.
It's like, it's, there's no, everybody does it differently. This is a tricky part about chiropractic. Like we all do it a little differently. I used to be very dogmatic about like if they're marketing like neck pain, back pain, headaches, or they have the dude with like the big red bulging back thing on their website.
Just don't even. Don't even give it a chance, but you never know. And I'm like, I've softened my heart to that a little bit too, because I realized that there's a time and a place for that. So it's just, yeah, looking, man, looking for a place that feels genuine and [00:52:00] authentic to you. Now, especially in my life, I would be like, if, if someone's telling you that they're going to fix you.
Probably not going to be the right practitioner regardless of who they are. Right. Cause I think, I mean, I so much operate as like, I'm not the best doctor. I have some cool tricks to let your body heal itself the way that God designed it to, but I'm not fixing anything because you were never broken in the first place.
So looking for those kind of things of brain based, someone who's going to honor the God given intelligence that's already within you. And people were having these cool conversations about passion and purpose and, you know, presence and it's not just neck pain, back pain, headaches. You're going to be, you're probably going to find a good place looking somewhere that takes care of families instead of just PI cases.
That would be, that would be another way to look. If you see babies on the website, you're probably in the right place. Yeah. Hopefully that's helpful, but it's a, it's a tricky game.
Franklin: That's helpful. So, so you've got a podcast. Yeah, someone could go there and learn even more and kind of dive deeper, especially some of your early podcasts really [00:53:00] dive in and explain a lot of these points in greater detail and they do kind of go down the rabbit hole.
But for that person that wanted more. They could certainly go there.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah. A hundred percent. So the Nexus podcast with Dr. Daniel Kimbley, that's what it's called. I think I'm like 250 plus episodes at this point now. So, and what's cool about that podcast is like, if you're looking for something, you know, if you have a disc issue and you want some answers about that, it's really what comes up in my office on a week to week basis.
And then giving, diving down the rabbit hole and kind of giving the explanation. And it's not always science y. Some of it's just straight up, like how to be an awesome, healthy, functioning human being. And it has nothing to do with chiropractic, but most of it does just because I'm so, I'm so passionate about it.
So yeah, the nexus podcast is what that one's called. As we
Franklin: wrap up, what's one thing you would like to leave everybody with as we, uh, as we shut this thing down.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Said it multiple times, but you are. not broken. There is nothing wrong with you. I don't care who tells you that that is [00:54:00] true. I would also say that there is no doctor out there that is the best doctor.
The only one best doctor that's smarter than your body is your own body. So like just, ah, if I could get everybody to understand that normal response to an abnormal amount of stress. everything that you're experiencing. And when you address the stress in your system, your body will thrive the way that you want it to.
Franklin: said. Dr. Kimbley, thank you so much for coming on today. This has been a really exciting conversation that Tanner and I have been looking forward to for a while. So really appreciate your time and appreciate your perspective and wisdom. And I know that this is going to help some people out there that hear it.
Dr. Daniel Kimbley: Yeah. I love you guys. Thanks so much for having me on. I appreciate it greatly. Thank you. We ask that
Tanner: if you found value in this, that you subscribe to the podcast and share with someone that you think would find value in this as well. If
Franklin: there's a man that you know who would benefit from this, please share it with them.
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