16. Core4: Putting It All Together
Core4 - Putting It All Together TWNM
[00:00:00] Franklin: Right now, the world needs great men who will stand up and lead with honor, serve with purpose, and courageously fulfill their God given roles and responsibilities as husbands, fathers, leaders, and men. It's time we see more men thrive, marriages filled with passion, and families that flourish. So whether you're a man struggling to figure it all out, Or an awesome husband and dad looking for the next level.
You've come to the right place. We're your hosts, Franklin Swan and Tanner Hayes, bringing you practical, applicable tools and strategies you can use every day. To build yourself into the man God is calling you to be. This is the world needs men.
[00:00:53] Tanner: Let's go. Welcome back to the world needs men podcast. We're your host [00:01:00] Tanner Hayes, Franklin Swan.
And today we're going to be wrapping up our core four series and putting it all together for you and putting a nice bow around it.
[00:01:09] Franklin: You know, we want to, uh, really take everybody through one kind of how I came across these tools and, uh, and where I discovered them to begin with and really give a little bit more perspective so that you understand how to, how to put all these, uh, all these tools and resources together in a way that will serve you and also introduce you to a way to track this.
So. No different than any sports game. It's hard to know. Um, if you don't know the score, it's really hard to tell what's going on and who's winning, who's losing. And I think with anything in life, when we can track something, we can measure it, we can improve upon it. But if we don't track it, ultimately makes it really hard to, uh, to just kind of know where we are with things.
[00:01:51] Tanner: Yeah, absolutely. So how did you initially get started with these tools and that kind of thing?
[00:01:57] Franklin: So it, it really was by accident. [00:02:00] I had, uh, hired my first coach. It was a Tony Robbins coach, and I had been working with him for, for quite some time. And so I had signed up to go To a Tony Robbins event called UPW and play unleashed the power within was the name of the event.
It was in Florida, Palm Beach, Florida. And I think there were like 10, 000 people at this event. It was huge. And I had signed up. I had a ticket and. I was getting on the plane, and I was the next to last person in line to get on this plane. And as I dive into the story, I've come to believe there really are no coincidences.
And so I'm the next to last person. And at the time I had this, uh, rucksack on or backpack, and it had a spot where you could put it to patch. And I had this, uh, this patch that said seal fit Kokoro and it was the patch that I earned when I did the Kokoro 50 hour crucible event out in California a couple years before that.
And [00:03:00] so getting on the plane and there's a guy behind me and he makes a comment. And he said, it's interesting. I'm. reading a book right now. And the guy in the book talks about doing seal fit Kokoro camp. Well, that really piqued my interest because there's not many people who do that or even know what it is.
And so the fact that someone wrote a book and talks about it, you know, really piqued my interest. And so we chatted for a minute and he said, yeah, it's this, uh, this guy named Garrett white, and he's got this book called warrior book. And I thought, huh, that's interesting. So I just kind of logged out in the back of my brain and, you know, we got on the flight and didn't think much more of it.
So we get to Palm Springs waiting for my bags at the, uh, in the terminal. And I see this guy again, he comes up and he says, Hey, you want to ride to the, uh, to your hotel? And so he and a couple other guys were there. And so I said, sure, that'd be awesome. So we jump in and talk on the way to the hotel. And, and then during the event, I could just kept running into this guy kind of over and over and, and we kind of developed a friendship and it turns out [00:04:00] that he, he didn't live too far from where, where I lived in East Texas.
And so I asked him towards the end of the event, I was like, what's that book that you told me about? And he said, uh, it's called the warrior book said, is it pretty good? And he said, yeah, I think you'd like it. And so I go online, I found this thing. You can't, you can't get it on normal from a normal like Amazon or bookstore, but I got this.
And. And I got it. And there was this piece of me that's like, I don't even want to tell anyone I'm what I'm reading. It kind of felt like a, like a secret document that I was reading or something that was just like, I don't know. I just, I wanted to read it. I wanted to put whatever it had into practice and just, and not really even tell anyone about it.
So I took the cover off of it and I started reading it and pretty quick as I started reading these pages, I'm sitting there going, man, this is it. Like, this is what I've been looking for. Like, these are simple tools, these are some answers, and here's a, a man who shares the pain that he was in and the struggles that he went through and the way that he was able to dig [00:05:00] himself out of a pit and out of a hole, and I thought, man, like, this is what I've been searching for the whole time.
And so I just. I just started consuming this book and these very simple tools that we've discussed over the past four, uh, core four podcasts with the body being balance and business. And that's really where this whole thing started. You know, it, it started with me just being lucky enough to be the next to last guy on a plane and just happened to be wearing that patch that opened up a conversation with the man who had been reading a particular book that happened to have.
All of these tools and answers that I had been just desperately looking for. And so I go through all of that experience. I go through going to that event and meeting this guy who's not a great friend of mine. And then here we are a few years later, sharing these tools and resources that I learned from Garrett White and from the Warrior book.
with the world and how it's [00:06:00] impacted us and in a lot of what we do every day. And so I think it would have been selling this whole thing short to not really go into the origin of where I learned and found all this to begin with because I didn't make it up. I can't take credit for it, but it's just such a powerful thing that has impacted my life and I feel really fortunate to have to have found it in that way.
[00:06:23] Tanner: I'll move the timeline. Had you started working with your Tony Robbins coach yet?
[00:06:28] Franklin: Yes. So I had been working with him. A lot of people, it seemed like would go to like a Tony Robbins event and then would hire a coach. I kind of flipped it. I went straight to coaching with, uh, with the Tony Robbins, uh, one of his elite coaches, and then went to the event after that and ended up going to like business mastery and date with destiny and all those.
[00:06:46] Tanner: Right. Because you've talked about how that was super beneficial. And that was early on in your trajectory of this and was a huge part of it. But it sounds, it seems like there was still a little piece missing for you.
[00:06:58] Franklin: Yeah, I think it [00:07:00] was the structure of it, the framework and just how, how simple. The warrior book and the core four put it all together.
It just, it gave me a very simple plan to follow every day. And especially early on in my growth and in, and in my whole trajectory, I just needed something very simple. It's like, tell me what to do and I'll go do it. And it turned out to be very beneficial.
[00:07:23] Tanner: Cause you and I talk a lot about sequencing and the order of what we start and what we do is, is almost as important as what we're actually doing.
And I think your story really helps highlight that fact as well.
[00:07:39] Franklin: Yeah. So you look at the origin story and you look at kind of back in my whole progression and. And if I look at the core four, it's like, what does this really do for a, for a man? Well, I believe that it helps us to create some stability. It, if, if you think of, um, going to the hospital, let's say, let's say you're in a, [00:08:00] you have an accident and you go to the hospital.
Well, the first thing you do when you get to the hospital is you go into triage. I mean, that's where they, if you're bleeding, they stop the bleeding. If you're not, if you're not able to go to the operating room yet, they, I mean, they take, they get you in a place where there's some stabilization of your physical body so that you can, and I'm not a surgeon, but just kind of giving you an analogy, I'm not a doctor.
So just, just play with this in your mind. You go to the hospital, you want to stop the bleeding first. They want to stabilize you and assess what's going on first. So when, when I added the core four into my life, it really created stability and kind of stopped the bleeding, so to speak, and allowed me to.
To just bring some order to these different areas of my life that were really important, my physical health and body, my mindset, my, my emotions, my relationship with my wife and kids, my business and how I was able to show up in the business, my connection and in relationship with God. And so all of those areas were just kind of given the [00:09:00] opportunity to have some space to breathe.
And then once, once I was able to achieve that. Then it allowed me to step into the deeper work that I found afterwards. But the first step in this whole process was really to bring that stabilization to my life through some very simple practices that I was able to input. So instead of doing things that were hurting me in terms of negative habits, I was able to insert Positive habits that just shifted everything and allowed me to go in the right direction,
[00:09:32] Tanner: which I think is so important to highlight because I think nowadays with social media and just all these different avenues, you have these.
Influencers or, you know, these millionaires, these billionaires that have these really elaborate routines and, you know, doing coal plunge and all these things that are, that are really great on their own. But most people need to start with the basics, the blocking and tackling, and start there, and then start to layer on some of those higher level [00:10:00] things.
[00:10:00] Franklin: That's a really great way to, to look at it. You, you do just need, it's like the, uh, the crawl, walk, run. analogy, right? It's, um, you don't start off with the super high level stuff. It's just create a foundation, create some, some simple, powerful habits in your life that, that create the opportunity and the environment where the deeper work can actually take hold and be beneficial.
You know, looking at all the things I've done from, from the core four to working with mindset architect coaches now, and in some of the higher level people that I've worked with, that all. Was able to be more meaningful work that I was able to do on myself because I had a foundation of these other tools and practices in place that they created the right environment in the right conditions for those other for that other work to have the greatest impact.
[00:10:50] Tanner: Absolutely. And so. Something else that you and I talk a lot about is, is man, a versus man B when it comes to the core four.
[00:10:57] Franklin: Yeah. So as, as we wrap this up and, [00:11:00] and just kind of bring this whole thing together, we want to, if you've listened to the past four core four episodes, think of two different men, think of two men that get up in the morning and let's call it man a and man B, just to give you a highlight of what we're talking about.
of the power. I think when we when we illustrated this way of of what this kind of a routine would do for you each day. So man a is one who does the core four. He gets up at say five o'clock in the morning and he has a good hour or two before his family wakes up. And the first thing he does is he focuses on his body.
He does a workout and gets himself sweating and get some energy out and gets the blood flowing. Um, maybe he's out for a run. Maybe he's at the gym. But he's training his physical body, and then he gets a good green smoothie in him and some good solid nutrition as a body check. Then he moves on to being he does some meditation.
He spent some time in prayer with God and and really connect self spiritually and take some time to write down. [00:12:00] What's on his heart, what's on his mind and journal out some of those thoughts as part of his morning practice. That's being check. Then he pulls out some note paper and he writes his wife and his Children a quick love note, a quick note of love, honor, gratitude, appreciation and puts those on the kitchen counter so his family can find him.
He's got balance done check. And finally, he Learns something that allows him to increase his value and his and his skill set in business and in his career and then finds a way to leverage that learning in a way that will move him forward or his business or his career or whatever it is that he does.
And so he goes through this process. This very powerful routine that increases his energy level. It connects him to his family. It centers him with God. It primes his body and his mind. It's, uh, centers himself emotionally. And you have all these things. So you have this man who shows up and now the sun starts to rise, his family gets is waking up [00:13:00] and he is in a very powerful, Powerful position to dominate his day to show up is a blessing to the people in his life and to be as productive and, and positive and powerful as possible in service to others.
So that's man. A then let's look at man. B man. B sleeps in. Man B has no morning routines. He doesn't have any practices, any rituals. He, you know, his alarm goes off at six and he hits the snooze button until 630, 645, you know, and finally rolls out of bed, jumps in a hot shower, you know, is probably late to work.
The kids and his wife might've beat him out of bed already. And, you know, he's struggling to get himself ready and then maybe get the kids off to school. And then he rolls into the office. He's frazzled. He's you know, not had any time to himself yet. And so you've got man B. That's probably a ball of stress and anxiety before the day is even getting going.
He's already lost the day because he's he's completely [00:14:00] lost his morning. And then at the same time, you have man a who shows up cool, calm, collected. He's been able to pour into his family. He's already got his mind thinking about some of the productive things that he can implement in his business today or in his career.
He feels good because he worked out. He feels mentally clear because he cleared his mind with some meditation. And so those two people, if they work at the same place, they walk in. There is no question that on that single day alone, man a is going to run circles around man B that there is just no other reality or way that anything else could be possible.
So that's just one day. If you take that and compound it over the course of a week and then a month and then a year. There is such a gap that gets created between man A and man B that they're not even in the same realm, like they wouldn't hang out with each other because they've become such different human beings, one intentionally and the other one just by default.[00:15:00]
And so I think when you illustrate it that way and really look at what does it feel like when you think of the man A who goes through this practice every day and just energetically, what does it feel, uh, or how do you think about a human being? And a man that has the discipline and the intentionality and the in the purpose driven focus to show up and and be his best.
I mean, I think we have all have this gift and this opportunity to make the most of every single day. So are we taking advantage to put ourselves in a powerful position to make the most of it? Or are we, you know, snoozing it away, hoping that we can get just a few more minutes out of our, our night's sleep.
And then. Just sabotaging ourselves in so many ways. And so many, I think a lot of men just need to start with something like this with a really powerful morning routine that allows them to create that stability to stop the bleeding and to put themselves on [00:16:00] point and on on the right path to being the men that You know, their, their wives and their kids need them to be.
[00:16:07] Tanner: And I love that illustration of this compounding over time. Cause the, you know, the beauty in this routine is, is not just in the single day, but it's the, the over time and how that compounds just like money with interests and how that continues to build off of itself. But the other thing I like is how we track it and the tracking system that we use, because once you start using this, and this is.
This is objective findings. Basically, it's what it is. You can look at the week that you had on paper and the week that you had maybe in the office or at home, and you can tell a lot about how that week turned out just by seeing how well you stuck to your routine.
[00:16:51] Franklin: If you're watching a sports game of any type, if, if at any point you don't, that they took away the score, the game gets really boring and it gets [00:17:00] hard to tell who's winning, who's losing.
And it's also really hard to tweak anything that you're not tracking. It's you can't manage what you don't measure, as they say. And so there's a really simple scoring system that That is a really important key component to this whole morning routine, and they call it the core four because there's four different elements.
But there's also four total points available. So there's one total point available for your body. There's one point available for your being one point for balance and one point for business. Now, the way you break each of those down is that you get one half point for your physical fitness. You get one half point for your fuel for the green smoothie.
So if you do your physical fitness and sweat, if you drink your green smoothie and get your fuel, those are each worth half a point for a total of one point for body. Then you move into your being. You have one half point [00:18:00] available for your body. Meditation and one half point available for memoirs or journaling.
So you do your meditation, you do your journaling, each of them is half a point. You get a total of one point for being. Moving on to balance, you write a note of love, honor, appreciation for your spouse. That's half a point. You do the same thing for your kids, whether you got one kids, five kids, you write notes to your children, love, honor, appreciation, respect, and that also gives you one half points.
So you do a note for your wife, do your a note for your kids, and the total of those is 1.4 balance. And then finally you have business. You learn something, it gives you half a point. And when you leverage it or utilize it in your line of work in some way, you get another half point. Uh, you can also just share it like you can share an idea with your teammates.
You can send somebody a podcast you listen to and share what perspective you gained from that. But [00:19:00] you learn, then you leverage each of those for half a point for one full point for business. So every day you have the opportunity to hit a four for your core four. And then over the course of a week, you're aiming for a 28.
And that's the thing with this too, that we strongly recommend is that you continue this process whether it's the weekend or the weekday. And I think something really important meant for us to realize is. When we think that we need a break on the weekend from these routines, if it's good enough to put us in a great position to win it worked during the week, how much more important is it for us to have a powerful routine that puts us on point when we're at home over the weekend with our families and they need us to be our best.
That's the most important time for us to double down on this and to to have a great practice that allows us to spend Saturday and Sunday present, connected, playful, patient with our families. And these [00:20:00] things all help us get geared up for that. So on a Saturday, hit your core four on a Sunday, hit your core four.
And at the end of the week, you can look at what was the total number of points that you had. And You can determine, did I win the week or not? If you hit a 27 out of 28, you did pretty dang good. If you hit a 14, then you've got some work to do, but at least you've got a scoring system that allows you to understand how you're doing, where you're at and where you need to improve.
Like, is it your notes that you're just not finding a way to get done? And so you need to reassess, like, when am I writing my notes? How am I doing it? And how can I get that done? Maybe it's in your body and you just keep skipping workouts. Maybe you really don't have a relationship with God or you don't know what that looks like.
And so you just kind of brush past that part of the morning, but you're missing out on the opportunity to just invite God's spirit into your life, into your heart and mind and guide you through the day. Maybe you're having a hard time learning something. You just want to listen to God's voice. Music on the way to work, or you [00:21:00] just want to, you know, do anything other than then learn, but that's what you need to do.
So when you score it and track it, it allows you to get a line of sight on how you're doing and where you need to, to button things up and what we're going to. offer. Uh, if you go to the world needs men. com, we're going to have on there a seven day core four tracking that you can use that will have some explanation of what the core four is, give you some examples of how to do the core four, and then actually give you seven days worth of tracking so that you could easily implement this into your life.
It's something like a PDF, just print it off. And this is literally the, the system and the tools that we utilize every day. to be better husbands, to be better fathers, to lead better in business, to impact our community better. There is no aspect of our lives that don't improve when we follow this. And what's amazing is once you.
ingrain this into your life. [00:22:00] It also has the opposite effect. You stop doing this and all of a sudden things return to normal and you didn't even realize how good you had it because then you go back to, to how you used to operate and you drop back down and that will create this huge energetic debt that will either drive you further down or it'll drive you back up to, to doing this routine.
So, Like it's kind of one of those when once you know, you can't unknow. And so once you raise the bar and raise the level on, on your, on how you live, once you get there and do that, it needs to become an addiction because life is just better in this space. And life is better when you feel good and think well and feel and are able to perform at a higher level and produce at a better level and connect with your family at a deeper level.
So having a scoring system. Is critical and is the final piece to the whole core four puzzle that we've been really advocating talking about [00:23:00] and going into really a lot of depth over over these. I mean, I think we've made what five or six podcasts now about this whole morning routine. It's too important and too much of a part of our lives to just skim over it.
And so. Check out theworldneedsmen. com and you're going to have a really nice free resource that would allow you to have this implemented into your life and track it each day. See how you're doing, understand what to do, and also have some good examples of, uh, of what this looks like. So that is it for the core four.
We podcast on this because that, uh, wraps it up nicely. And if you do have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. I hope you gained. Tremendous value out of this and certainly would just encourage you men to give yourself the gift of an hour or two every morning to put yourself on point to show up better for your family.
Be the man God is calling you to be. We all have more we can give [00:24:00] that often comes from pouring more into ourselves so that we can pour out even more to others.
[00:24:07] Tanner: We ask that. If you found value in this, that you subscribe to the podcast and share with someone that you think would find value in this as well,
[00:24:17] Franklin: if there's a man that you know, who would benefit from this, please share it with them.
We want to get. These messages and these tools and resources out to as many men as we can so that marriages can be thriving, families can heal, so kids have great dads, so that wives have great husbands, and one man at a time in this world we can make a [00:25:00] difference.
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