5. Do You Live By a Code?
Franklin Swann and Tanner Hays discuss the concept of living by a personal code of honor to navigate life. They explain how this framework fosters a personal sense of guidance, aligns with individual values and purpose, and helps in decision-making. They recollect how such notions of honor conducted at school felt like control mechanisms rather than a means to improve one's life, emphasizing that such codes should be authentic to the person living by them. A personal code is explained as a set of principles that direct behavior for a larger purpose or higher standard. Several historic groups like the Samurai, Spartans, and Navy Seals are provided as examples of groups that live by a code of honor. The hosts suggest four steps to integrate this in one's day to day life: deciding to live by a code, defining the code, refining it over time, and finally reciting it every day. They urge listeners to take an hour to begin this process and provide a free download to assist this journey.
0:00 Do You Have a Code to Live By
11:02 Decision
12:39 Define
13:59 Refine
15:08 Recite
0:00 Do You Have a Code to Live By
11:02 Decision
12:39 Define
13:59 Refine
15:08 Recite
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