13. Fierce Empathy with David Waldy
In this episode of The World Needs Men, the hosts, Franklin Swan and Tanner Hayes, interview their esteemed guest, David Waldy, a transformative life coach. David Waldy shares his personal journey from a Kansas farm boy upbringing to a successful sales career marred by personal unhappiness and despair, to his eventual transformation to 'fierce empathy'. He emphasizes the importance of 'fierce empathy' which is intertwined with self-love, self-understanding and the courage to say difficult truths. Reflecting on his life experiences he provides a fresh perspective on how a 1% course correction in our lives can lead to monumental changes. Finally, David Waldy shares practical advice on how individuals can start working on themselves by challenging and questioning their thinking patterns.
00:08 Introduction
01:21 David Waldy Introductory Remarks
01:35 Personal Background
08:47 Empathy
13:13 Fierce Empathy
14:07 Perspective Shift
34:18 David Shares Practical Advice
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