31. The #1 Skill Men Must Learn with Quentin Hafner

31. The #1 Skill Men Must Learn with Quentin Hafner

In this episode, Franklin Swann welcomes therapist and author Quentin Hafner to discuss how men can become better husbands, fathers, and leaders by developing emotional intelligence. 

Quentin shares his journey from a devastating divorce to becoming a therapist, authoring 'Black Belt Husband,' and his newly released book 'Go Next Level.' 

The conversation delves into the changing dynamics of relationships, the importance of emotional awareness, and the impact of deep emotional connections across all areas of life, including business and community leadership. 

Offering practical advice and powerful anecdotes, Quentin emphasizes the significance of vulnerability and self-awareness in fostering meaningful relationships.
00:00 Introduction to the Podcast

00:39 Meet Quentin Hafner: Therapist and Author

01:28 Quentin's Personal Journey

05:29 The Evolution of Marriage

10:34 Emotional Intelligence in Marriage

16:16 The Role of Self-Awareness

23:20 Overcoming Shame and Vulnerability

27:25 The Impact of Emotional Awareness on Marriage

27:40 Building Emotional Bonds with Children

30:04 The Changing Dynamics Between Parents and Children

35:18 The Importance of Emotional Connection in Leadership

47:46 Introducing 'Go Next Level'

49:37 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

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