37. 10 Lessons I Learned From Spine Surgery

37. 10 Lessons I Learned From Spine Surgery

In this episode, Franklin Swann shares his experience and the valuable lessons he learned from undergoing spine surgery. From coping with physical limitations to finding strength in laughter and friendship, Franklin offers insights that can help men everywhere navigate their own challenges.

Like most men, you’re probably trying your best to live up to your potential. But it is hard when you are alone. If you want more from Franklin, go here
 Lesson 1: Always Do Something
 Lesson 2: Laughter as Pain Relief
 Lesson 3: The Value of Good Friends
 Lesson 4: Thank You, Not Sorry
 Lesson 5: It's Okay to Not Be Okay
 Lesson 6: Health as a Precious Resource
 Lesson 7: Focus on Solutions
 Lesson 8: Value of a Loving Wife
 Lesson 9: Perspective on Suffering
 Lesson 10: Don't Waste Challenges
 Conclusion and Call to Action

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