42. Playing the Married Game with Keith Yackey
In this episode, host Franklin Swann sits down with Keith Yackey, the founder and creator of The Married Game, to discuss improving intimacy and connection in marriage. Keith shares essential insights into helping husbands reignite their relationships, including identifying and debunking common lies that men believe and practical advice on becoming a more attractive partner.
Three Lies That Men Believe:
Three Lies That Men Believe:
Lie 1: I Married the Wrong Woman
Lie 2: Women Aren't Into Sex
Lie 3: Men Are Perverts for Wanting Sex
The Five Dials Framework:
Dial 1: Being a Good Parent
Dial 2: Being a Best Friend
Dial 3: Producing
Dial 4: Being Fun and Playful
Dial 5: Staying in Your Power
Get in touch with Keith:
Get in touch with Keith:
Website: THE MARRIED GAME | Keith Yackey
Instagram: @keithyackey
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